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Cultivating Mindful Moments for Couples During Back-to-School Season

The close of summer brings mixed emotions, doesn’t it? On the one hand, parents are often happy to see their little ones get back into a routine at school. On the other, back-to-school season has its share of chaotic moments — from shopping for school supplies and packing lunches to helping with homework and attending school events.

Meanwhile, kids have their own stressors, like acclimating to different teachers, socializing, and keeping up with the daily demands of school + extracurriculars. Parents may unwittingly take on some of that stress as their own as they attempt to ease their kiddos back into school.

It’s enough to make even the strongest couples feel like two ships passing in the night. Or worse, it may cause tension and arguments at home. 

And while you can’t control everything that goes on at school, you can take charge of the home environment. 

At Elegant Simplicity Interiors, nothing makes us happier than helping people design and organize spaces that support purposeful living, relationship nurturing, and harmony among couples and their families. 

We’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves to help you live more mindfully throughout this busy time of year and beyond (because let’s face it … things only get busier as the holidays approach). By prioritizing your relationship with your partner and finding moments of connection despite your hectic schedules and daily demands, you can build a home that feels like a haven.

Ready to cultivate the mindful moments you and your partner are craving? Let’s dive in!

Why Mindful Moments Matter for Couples

It’s easy to forget about slowing down and making time for your partner when back-to-school season is in full swing. However, giving your relationship the attention it deserves can actually make this busy time of year not only more manageable but also more enjoyable. 

Fortifying Your Bond

According to, being fully present when engaging with your partner can lead to improved conflict resolution, intimacy, and understanding. You’re more likely to listen to each other without judgment, respond thoughtfully, avoid reacting, and interact in healthy ways. 

These skills don’t end with your partner. Interacting mindfully with your kids, friends + extended family can strengthen those bonds + decrease conflict while deepening your bonds with one another.

Creating Opportunities To Connect

So, what do mindful moments look like? For some couples, it’s as simple as carving out time in the evening for each other — no phones, no screens, no distractions. Just good ol’ fashioned conversation *wink*. 

Other couples may find certain rituals + shared experiences helpful, like couples journaling, attending a mindful movement meditation class together, or going for walks after dinner. 

Intentional eye contact, aka eye gazing, is another practice you can try. Simply sit comfortably facing your partner, set a timer for five to 10 minutes, hold hands, and lock eyes until the timer is up. It’s OK to blink … and it’s OK if you feel a little goofy *wink*! The more you allow yourselves to be vulnerable with each other, the more you’ll build feelings of trust, connection, and love.

Ultimately, whatever practices work best for you and your partner is the way to go. As long as you can stick with a routine and be intentional with it, you can continue creating opportunities for connection. 

Incorporating Mindfulness Into Your Home’s Design

Mindfulness doesn’t just magically happen for a lot of us — and, quite frankly, it’s understandable if you’re a little unsure of how to make it happen. Don’t worry … we got you!

In fact, we’ve got a little secret for you, bestie *wink*. You can actually create spaces in your home that encourage mindful connection. 

And no matter what back-to-school season throws your way, you can handle it together when you have a home that feels supportive, peaceful, and stress-free. Here’s how it’s done.

Designing a Tranquil Retreat

How much easier is it to unwind together when your space feels relaxing and serene? We’ve talked about ways to do this when you’re welcoming guests into your home. Well, now it’s time to wow each other with a few bedroom (or wherever!) essentials. 

Consider ways to incorporate soft lighting, soothing textures, and nature-like elements — things that promote a state of calm. Dedicate a corner of your family room or bedroom to cozy chats by setting up a pair of chairs and an end table complete with coasters for your favorite drinks. Setting up a space for purposeful connection gives you the opportunity to sit down and be present with each other.

Ditching the Clutter

“I wish I had more piles of laundry, paperwork, and mail,” said no one ever. On the contrary, decluttering and organizing your home gives you the physical and emotional space you need for moments of clarity and mindfulness

Whether it’s a well-organized entryway or a battle plan to tackle the morning rush, cleaning up and getting organized can create a sense of focus and peace in your home. With greater calm comes more opportunities to connect with your partner in a soothing atmosphere that’s free of clutter, distractions, and, well, stuff to get on your nerves *wink*. 

And, hey, if you’re all set in the physical clutter department but your digital clutter is bursting at the seams, check out our Digital Decluttering Kit for some handy tips.

Setting the Mood

A mindful home is the best aphrodisiac, honey. When you really want to connect with your partner, the right ambiance is a must. Go for dim lighting, candles, calming music, and flowers — act like it’s your first date and you’ve gotta win your partner over *wink*. 

Make your space irresistible, and you can’t help but connect with each other all over again.

Making Mindfulness a Regular Routine

The more you integrate mindfulness into your days, the less it will feel like a “have to do.” Like building a bicep at the gym, flexing your mindfulness muscles will eventually become a habit you enjoy. Here are a few tips to get you chugging that mindfulness protein shake *wink*. 

Establish Morning Rituals

We’ve written about the benefits of morning routines, specifically for kids. As it turns out, we grown-ups can also enjoy some cool side effects by incorporating meaningful rituals into the day. When you’re trying to connect more as a couple, try a few tricks:

  • Start the day with a few moments of deep breathing or journaling together.

  • Pour each other’s coffee and deliver it bedside or at the table.

  • Leave love notes for each other in random spots (like the notes you pack in your kiddos’ lunchboxes!).

  • Pick a few wildflowers and leave them in a vase on your partner’s desk.

  • Establish a date night, and don’t skip it unless you have to. The laundry can wait *wink*!

Add an Evening Wind-Down

Evenings are important, too. Think about little rituals you can enjoy together, like sipping a cup of tea, completing a crossword puzzle, playing a game of cards, or just slowing down long enough to ask about each other’s day. 

Remember, you didn’t get married or move in together only to spend your evenings glued to a screen or collapsing into bed exhausted every night. Rather, you made a commitment to each other, and part of that includes being each other’s best cheerleader *wink*. So, be intentional about setting aside time for each other before bed.

Plan Weekend Getaways

We’re not saying you need to plan a trip to Hawaii (unless you want to!) *wink* — but how about a shorter weekend or even an overnight trip here and there? Taking a few days to get away as a couple gives you a chance to prioritize your relationship over responsibilities at home and work. The Marriage Hub puts things in perspective with three reasons to plan a couple’s trip:

  1. Your marriage is taking a back seat to seemingly more urgent tasks. Back-to-school season will do that to ya, friend! A weekend retreat forces you (in the nicest way) to put each other at the top of the priority list.

  2. You’ve gotten too comfortable with each other. There may be a teensy, tiny bit of laziness going on *wink*. Getting away for a weekend can be the energy boost you need for more connection, intimacy, fun, and excitement as a couple.

  3. Your kids want to see your marriage succeed. When you invest time in your partner, it becomes a core value for your family and shows your children that your marriage matters. In turn, they’ll grow up understanding how important it is to be on the same page with a partner. Healthy relationships mean healthy, happy homes. 

Make Mindful Connections a Priority

Consider this article your homework assignment, sis *wink*! When you lean into mindful moments, you create opportunities to strengthen your bond with not only your partner but also your children and others. 

Instead of letting back-to-school season strain your relationship, you can use it as an opportunity to design your home to support mindfulness and presence. From morning rituals to weekend escapes (and everything in between), making time for each other can help you actually enjoy this busy time of year together.

That’s our riff for today … hope you’re feeling inspired to stay present! 

Looking for more ways to welcome more mindfulness into your relationship and home? Follow along with Elegant Simplicity Interiors on social media for inspiration.

And remember, if you’re in the planning stages of a home design project, let’s chat. Together, we can design a home that nurtures greater connection and well-being all year long.

P.S. If you loved this article, you’ll absolutely love4 Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home.