Interior Design in Seattle & Bellevue | Elegant Simplicity

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8 Things In Your Home To Get Rid Of + How To Do So Responsibly

Everyone can appreciate that a well organized space is calming + relaxing. But after decades of working with clients to declutter + organize their homes, we realize that in our first meeting there was always a slight apprehension (or fear) that as their professional organizer, we would tell them what they HAD to get rid of.

If you’ve ever hired an organizer to come into your home, you can probably relate to at least a level of uncertainty for what to expect. 

While it’s a totally understandable feeling, the reality of hiring a professional organizing bestie at Elegant Simplicity® is we’re here to help you declutter + organize. So friend, that fear of being forced to get rid of things, with us, couldn’t be further from the truth!

And those of you who have worked with us know that.

That said, before we deep dive into a couple things that we can all get rid of, we want to assure you that as your professional organizer, we’re a team. Our goal is to guide you like a true bestie, with super powers for creating order, to the decision that makes the most sense for your home + lifestyle (not ours) *wink* 

And remember, we know it takes tons of courage to overcome that state of overwhelm + finally ask for help getting organized. Whether it’s your closets, kitchen pantry or your office that needs some organizing TLC, we’ll pop on our organizing playlist, roll up our sleeves + get you organized.

So… about these things to finally get rid of. Are you ready, friend?

Get Rid of Old Technology: Keeping Only What's Necessary

Whether it’s old chargers from previous phones or other devices you’ve had in the past — if you don’t currently use it, it’s probably safe to assume you can get rid of it as technology dates itself pretty quickly.

Cables and Cords

But, what if you have a ton of generic cables, like a USB, that someone could surely use? Check with friends or family + if there are no takers, you can recycle a lot of electronics at your nearest Best Buy.

Music and Movies

What about that amazing CD collection ← yeah, we know you’re nostalgic (psst… looking right at John’s dad) or that beloved wall of DVDs in the home theater (looking at my own dad) *wink*?

You don’t need to get rid of all of them, certainly if you use them every now + again + you have the space, keep them. But, if you’re short on space you could get rid of music + movies that you also own or can stream digitally.

Remote Controls

And with nearly every piece of technology comes a remote. Get rid of what you don’t need anymore.  In general, if you have any questions about what technology is recyclable here’s a great guide.

Decluttering Product Manuals

Whenever we’re organizing with a client + we come upon a product manual, there’s typically a laugh amongst us because the amount of product manuals we all have in paper form for electronics, small kitchen appliances, large kitchen appliances, household systems like furnaces, hot water heaters + air conditioners and not to mention furniture is quite comical.

Transition to Digital: Creating an Organized Manual Folder

Instead of tossing them in a pile + then sorting through the pile to keep only the manuals of items we still need — go a step further. Holding onto the paper copies + letting them take up precious space in our homes is so not you friend, we find the digital version + create a home manual folder in the cloud. #WIN

If you haven’t seen already our digital decluttering kit teaches you just how to do this + we know you’re going to love it.

Essentials to Get Rid Of In The Kitchen

Often one of the most heavily used spaces in our homes is the kitchen + because of that, we’re going to have some random party supplies, some mismatched containers, and maybe even some foods that got pushed to the back that are now expired. It goes with the territory.

Plastic Utensils: Making Conscious Choices

If you love to host friends + family for gatherings ensuring you have a collection of kitchen party utensils that you can reuse over + over again is perfect. What we want to get rid of are the one off forks from two parties ago or the knives from the previous party that you likely can’t use again (you know, the congratulations “grad” themes we’re talking about) *wink*

Old Knives: Safety and Space

Beyond the plastic kitchenware, dull knives that you’re either not using any longer or can’t be sharpened anymore are in excess in a lot of kitchens. Wrap the blade in cardboard + you can donate it to a Goodwill or Salvation Army. However, call beforehand to ensure they’re accepting these items. 

If it’s in bad condition + you can’t use it anymore, take it to your local recycler + they’ll be the ones to take care of it. 

Mismatched Lidless Containers

Wasn’t it amazing when you first bought all those glass containers + the lids snapped on so perfectly? Well somewhere along the way — they all disappeared. Don’t fret it happens to the best of us. Trust us, we know *wink*

Instead of feeling frustrated every time you need to containerize food, donate the ones without a lid + spoil yourself with a new set. 

Permission granted! See, we told you a professional organizer was worth it *wink*

Grocery Bags

In the Pacific Northwest, a lot of grocery stores use only paper bags which is fantastic because they’re easy to recycle when you get home. 

But, if you have a ton of plastic bags you’ll want to dispose of these in the trash. You can read all about which types of plastic bags are recyclable here.  

Food: Pantry and Fridge Organization

Last but certainly not least, at some point or another you’ll deep dive into cleaning out that pantry because you want it organized, your spice cabinet or your refrigerator.

Simplifying Kids' Spaces: What to Get Rid Of

With Brooklyn growing so fast, John + Sherri are feeling the slight sadness that everyone feels when you get rid of kids clothes or toys. I mean, how did this wild child of theirs ever fit in a onesie (let alone sit still)? 

Nonetheless, oftentimes kids clothes are gently worn + in great condition so what we recommend is channeling your inner soft spot in caring for others + donating them. Like anything, if you can’t get rid of them or have reason not to — don’t.

As for kids toys… we wrote all about taking back control of your home in this decluttering kids toys post a few years ago. 

Wardrobe: Clothes, Shoes, and Accessories to Get Rid Of

Address The Singles: Socks Without a Mate

We’re not entirely sure where but we saw this quote, “socks without a mate” + we absolutely love it.

We all have the bin inside of our dresser drawer with just single socks. These are like those kitchen container lids that magically get lost into the abyss. If you’ve done all the laundry + these guys aren’t turning up, then it’s best to get rid of them.

Old Jewelry + Clothes

Whether it’s clothing or jewelry that you no longer wear or it’s worn out, there's a good reason to get rid of it because it’s likely taking up quite a bit of space. When it comes to clothes specifically, if you haven’t worn it in the last 12 months then it’s officially time to retire it to someplace else.

Shoes Balancing Style + Comfort

Every girl has a pair of shoes that look to-die-for but oh my are they hell on your feet to wear. That’s ok, if you know they hurt + you aren’t likely to wear them again — let someone else. Shoes take up a lot of valuable storage space so don’t be afraid to move on from them. 

P.S. If you do a swift job of clearing out enough shoes, you just might have room to buy a new pair *wink*

Linen Closet Clean-Out: What to Keep and What to Get Rid Of

We wrote all about tackling your linen closet like a professional organizer + the skinny is even if things are folded neatly, having linens that you don’t like or want to use simply takes up closet space. 

The rule of thumb we use at Elegant Simplicity® is to purchase linens that mix + match for several beds of the same size — this way, you can have several different ways to make the bed.

As for old towels + sheets, if they’re looking really drab + you’re on the verge of donating them a great place to do so is your local animal shelter. They use old towels + sheets to keep our furry four-legged friends warm.

Office Decluttering And Book Storage Streamlining

How much clutter do you have in your office? Papers, books, office supplies? They really all add up + do you use everyone of those 50 highlighters? 

If not, let’s keep what you need + donate the rest because there are so many benefits of a well organized office including: better energy + less stress, clarity + focus, increased productivity + efficiency.

P.S. one of our favorite ways to get rid of books that we personally enjoyed but no longer nead is to drop off one or two in a free-library that pops up in neighborhoods.

Bathroom Decluttering: Out with the Old Supplies + Medications

Cosmetics and Toiletries: Donating with Purpose

Things like old makeup, face moisturizer + nail polish always seem to collect in overwhelming fashion. Even as a professional organizer, one of our top Hot Zones (where clutter collects quickly) + our team is routinely in need of maintaining for our clients is cosmetic supplies. 

We love the message behind donating to Beauty Bus because they supply bags of lightly donated beauty products to ill patients. 

Medications: Safe Disposal Practices

As for old medications, the FDA recommends you crush the medicine down + mix it into old coffee grounds then put the entire thing in plastic bag in your trash. You’ll also want to black out the details on your prescription bottles.

As you can see, there’s a lot to get rid of when organizing + decluttering your home but it’s also important that you do so responsibly. 

Making these decisions alone can be tough. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, feeling stuck or unsure where to even begin that’s ok.  if you’re in the preliminary planning stages of your next project, let’s chat

Psst… You can also check out our FREE Video Course:4 Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home which, if you enjoyed these moments together, we know you will absolutely LOVE!