How To Have Better Dinner Conversations

The dining room was designed in this Bellevue, Washington home by Sherri Monte, interior designer at, Elegant Simplicity.

If you’ve ever met John + Sherri, then you know they absolutely adore having family + friends over. They enjoy everything about truly getting to know those they welcome into their home. 

For them, these small gatherings are opportunities to come together and unwind in a relaxed setting, particularly when there’s a dinner party involved. There’s something about sharing a meal that invites togetherness, relaxation + meaningful connections — and even more so when it’s accompanied by great conversation *wink*.

Of course, these dinner conversations don’t simply happen; everyone needs to make a concerted effort to open up, laugh + share stories.

If you feel like you struggle in the small-talk department, don’t despair. We’ve rounded up our best tips for chatting it up at your next dinner gathering —  without feeling like you’re reaching for snooze-worthy topics like the weather 🙂. 

Are you looking to host a dinner party that includes great convos — the kind that enrich relationships, foster empathy + create lasting memories? 

This article is for you, friend. Let’s get into it!

The benefits of conversations around the dining table in a home in Seattle, Washington Elegant Simplicity.

Setting the Stage for Meaningful Connection

When people enter your home, it should feel like stepping into another world, one where strangers become friends and relationships are nurtured. Or, in true “Cheers” fashion, one where everybody knows your name *wink*! 

Here are some ways to set the stage for deeper connections. 

Create a Warm and Welcoming Atmosphere

Imagine your favorite restaurant, with its just-right lighting, inviting aromas, and friendly staff. Here’s how to mimic that atmosphere in your home: 

  • Pay attention to lighting. Forget about that glaring overhead light; now is the time to dim the lights, fire up the candles, and create a peaceful + relaxed ambience.

  • Play DJ. Put together a playlist of upbeat songs to welcome your guests, followed by soft, instrumental music to accompany dinnertime and encourage conversation.

  • Set the table like a pro. Cloth napkins, fresh flowers, string lights + other special touches can enhance the experience.

Minimize Distractions

UC Santa Barbara research suggests that parents who spend time on digital devices in front of their children can adversely affect their kids’ emotional intelligence — the ability to recognize, understand + manage emotional states. 

In other words, putting away the phone and focusing on your kids can make them emotionally smarter. We dare say the same is true when you’re working to build emotional connections with friends + family you invite into your home.

Putting away electronic devices is a great idea when you have dinner guests, helping everyone be fully present and engaged with their loved ones. You can even create a “screen-free zone” at the dinner table, encouraging guests to put away their phones for the duration of the meal. 

Think of how much more engaged everyone will be when there’s uninterrupted conversation, with nobody mindlessly texting or scrolling. Furthermore, with a phone-free meal, people will feel seen + heard, and you’ll create a space where people feel safe expressing their thoughts, interests + talents. 

Embrace the Imperfections

It’s amazing what happens when everyone lets their guards down and agrees to let gatherings unfold, come what may. 

The spilled glass of wine or crumbs on the floor will all get cleaned up. So don’t worry about the little messes. Dinner doesn't have to be perfect to be meaningful, and indeed, a messy home is a home that’s loved

You’ll remember the moments more than you remember the pile of dishes. Embrace the mess, the laughter + the spontaneity of shared moments, and leave the rest for later. (Your dinner party may even inspire you to get organized and create systems to manage the continuous cycle of mess + clean home + mess all over again.) #BlessThisMess *wink*

Bellevue WA, Interior Design Firm, Elegant Simplicity shares tips how to spark meaningful connection at dinner parties

Sparking Engaging and Thoughtful Conversation

OK, now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. 

With phones put away and nothing but your quick wit to rely upon, what in the world do you talk about over dinner? We’ve got you, bestie, with a few Elegant Simplicity® principles to deepen your conversations and your relationships

Open-Ended Questions as Conversation Starters

To spark engaging and thoughtful conversations, use open-ended questions that encourage reflection, storytelling + personal insights. 

Here’s a handful to get you started:

  • What was the highlight of your day?

  • What is something new you learned recently?

  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

  • What’s a book or movie that had a significant impact on you?

  • If you could invite anyone from the past or the present to this dinner party, who would it be and why?

Tailor your questions to your dinner companions’ interests and personalities to make the conversation more engaging + meaningful. 

If you get stuck trying to think of questions, consider asking about values, experiences, hopes + dreams.

Active Listening and Genuine Curiosity

True connection comes from genuinely listening to what others have to say. Keep in mind that you can validate feelings and perspectives, even if you don't necessarily agree.

Avoid interrupting or judging, and show your interest by asking follow-up questions. This approach not only validates their feelings and perspectives but also encourages further exploration of the topic. 

Maintaining eye contact is also a great way to show you’re listening, provided you don’t make things awkward. Simply follow the 50/70 rule, maintaining eye contact 50% to 70% of the time while listening and holding it for four or five seconds before looking away.

Fostering Deeper Connections Beyond Words

Now that you’re feeling more comfortable about making dinner conversation, why not kick things up a notch? 

With a bit of practice and a willingness to open up, you can turn your dinner party into an event to remember.

Sharing Stories and Experiences

Sharing personal anecdotes, funny stories, or meaningful experiences can take your conversations from meh to wow! Vulnerability and authenticity can go a long way toward creating deeper bonds and a sense of relatability. 

So, don’t be shy; break out the stories about bombing an interview or falling in the pool at your prom. *wink*

When you share your own stories, you invite others to do the same, enriching the conversation and deepening the connection. 

Expressing Gratitude and Appreciation

Take time to express gratitude for one another's presence and the opportunity to connect. Share specific things you appreciate about each person or your shared experiences. You’ll be amazed at how this simple step strengthens relationships and fosters a positive and appreciative atmosphere at the dinner table.

Embracing Silence and Reflection

You need not fill every moment of dinner with conversation. In silence, you hold space for reflection, connection, and intimacy. 

These quiet moments also create trust, reassuring everyone that it’s more than OK to just be. Ultimately, they can also lead to more thought-provoking and meaningful discussions, as people feel comfortable choosing their words carefully instead of feeling forced to fill the silence.

Dinner party tips to make it the best one yet from Seattle, WA Interior Design Firm, Elegant Simplicity.

Make Your Next Dinner Party Your Best One Yet

As you plan your next dinner party, remember the key takeaways: 

  • Set a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

  • Minimize distractions

  • Embrace imperfections. 

  • Use open-ended questions to spark engaging discussions.

  • Practice active listening.

  • Validate everyone's feelings and perspectives. 

  • Foster deeper connections by sharing personal stories, expressing gratitude, and embracing moments of silence.

The dinner table is a sacred space for sharing, learning, and growing together. By focusing on connection, empathy, and authenticity, you can strengthen your relationships and create lasting memories with your loved ones.

That’s our riff for today; thanks for tuning in!

What are your favorite ways to create deeper connections at the dinner table? Share your tips and experiences in the comments section to help each other out!

For more tips on creating a harmonious and inviting home environment, sign up for the Elegant Simplicity Interiors connection series.

And don’t forget, if you’re in the preliminary planning stages of your next project, let’s chat.

P.S. If you loved this article, be sure to check out our video course, 4 Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home.