Getting Organized in the New Year
And the adventure begins...
While the New Year is all about resolutions, fresh beginnings + starting over, it’s also the perfect time to re-calibrate our minds + focus our energy on becoming an even better version of ourselves.
Despite the cold weather, sweater-loving, Starbucks-craving days, there's something incredibly magical about jumping feet first into the the month of January because it's the perfect time to quit hiding behind our clutter excuses.
Our lives are b-e-y-o-n-d crazy so lets jumpstart the year by decluttering our homes + getting ourselves + those around us better organized.
A lot is in flux for us with a new baby, so we're a little behind the 8-ball in terms of setting our new years goals... but we’ve talked a lot about how we can help others.
So, make your new year resolutions in the spirit of living better. Start by stepping back + evaluating your daily routines. Make a list of what works + what doesn't work.
Are you constantly pressed for time? Does your home feel like it’s always upside down + no one has a place for anything?
You’ve probably thought to yourself, what would it take to clear the clutter? Will anyone help me organize my house? (You betcha, babe!)
For now though: take it moment to moment, you don’t need to organize + declutter everything at once. Looking at your list, which one causes you the most stress, anxiety + overwhelm.
Now, pledge to making small but meaningful changes over the course of an entire year to maintain an organized home. The truth is, being organized + living without clutter isn’t a once + done thing… it’s a constant routine that maintains your goal.
No matter how you slice it… your home is a direct reflection of what matters most to you.
Which is why Home Organizing isn’t about throwing things away or piling them behind closed doors because we have no idea what to do with it.
In order to get organized, we need to…
“Plan our work + Work our plan.”
So roll up your sleeves sis + lets get to work.
Here are 2 simple steps to getting organized in the New Year.
FIRST understand the emotional connection you have with your belongings.
I know, it sounds absolutely crazy but clutter isn't just the stuff in your disorganized closet.
It's anything that gets between you + the life you envision living. Nearly everything that comes into our homes we've either bought or been given which is why we often struggle to part ways with it.
Maybe its a scarf we don't really like but it was a gift. Or a set of coffee mugs we never use but it's been passed down from your grandmother or my favorite, we went on a shopping spree + splurged to buy a rug which of course you absolutely had to have but now, it's rolled up in the back of the closet collecting dust (yikes - been there done that!)
The key to getting organized is becoming aware of your emotional connections + understanding what they mean. Start by being your own personal declutter + asking yourself...
Do I Like it?
Do I Love it?
Do I Need it?
SECOND it's all about creating organizing systems.
Everything successful in life is systematized + if you don't believe me just ask your local Starbucks barista who can plow through a line of thirty caffeine-craving customers like an absolute boss.
Creating organized systems is all about visualizing your goals + marrying them with easy routines. I’m not saying those Pinterest organization ideas aren’t helpful.
But more-so, what does an organized pantry or a closet organizer actually look like, in your home? How does it make you feel?
Remember, there's no right or wrong way to getting organized. Decluttering your home + getting organizing is entirely about you, your family + how you live in the space.
But envisioning organized structure (what is right todo now vs later) can be difficult. Often, this is where the overwhelm of clutter bottlenecks + even many of our best clients get stuck here.
So, before you throw your arms in the air + give up, ask yourself...
Will you use it? If so, how?
Given the anxiety + stress clutter is costing you, you deserve to be honest with yourself. The clutter in your home may be costing you more than you think.
Our home is a direct reflection of who we are on the inside, homes should inspire us to be the best version of ourselves.
Cheers to the new year + new you! I'm so glad you’re taking your first step towards creating a calm home. A calm heart + a calm life!