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Beyond the Paper Mess: Creating Space for Joy & Abundance in Your Home

It starts as just a pile of mail. Then it becomes a basket on the kitchen counter with mail, receipts, school permission slips + random reminders. Suddenly, that little basket starts to overflow. 

And then more piles, baskets + paper clutter ensue. Sound familiar? *wink*

You’re not alone, friend. For many of us, collecting paper becomes a kind of Olympic sport. The problem with this “system” of tossing paper into piles is that the little stacks turn into giant, overwhelming black holes. Eventually, we no longer can keep track of what’s important and what’s not. 

But you’re not about that life, right? 

At Elegant Simplicity Interiors, we’re all about clearing up the clutter (paper and otherwise) so that you can live a full, joyful life with everything you need and nothing more®. 

The solution isn’t simply to dump your paper pile in the trash, because that may cause stress, too! Rather, we can embrace mindful decluttering as a way to eliminate unnecessary items + create organizational systems that create peace + order in the home. 

Ready to tackle the paper mess and live a more paperless life where you have more physical + mental space for the things that really matter? Let’s do this! But first, let’s take a closer look at why paper clutter is such a sneaky problem.

Paper Clutter: A Costlier Issue Than You Think

Those piles of paper might seem harmless, but they can have a mega impact on your life. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the effects of clutter in your home, here’s what might be going on.

Zapped Energy

Here’s a little secret *wink*. The paper clutter in your home is like the negative pal who can’t seem to find anything uplifting to say. Instead of making you feel organized + in control, the clutter overwhelms you + steals your energy

Missed Opportunities

When you’re buried in paper clutter, it’s tough to see beyond the mountains of clutter and notice all the awesome things about your home. 

You might spend an hour looking for a bill or a receipt, keeping you from relaxing with a book, spending time with your family, or picking up a new hobby. (That beanie isn’t going to knit itself, friend *wink*.)  

Financial Burdens 

That bill you were looking for? You might never find it. In fact, if it’s buried somewhere, you might forget all about it. 

From there, there can be a cascade of missed payments, late fees, dings to your credit, and undue stress. 

Design for Clarity & Abundance

You had a great run, but it’s time to break up with your paper clutter, sis *wink*. Ain’t nobody got time for all the stress and chaos that paper clutter leaves in its wake. 

Keep in mind that reducing paper clutter starts with a commitment to designing your home for abundant living, not abundant things. Begin with the tips below.

Create a Command Center

One of the simplest ways to eliminate paper clutter is to designate a command center in your home. This command center functions as a catch-all for important items — everything from necessities like keys, phones + wallets to actionables like outgoing mail, reminders, and, yes, paperwork *wink*. 

It doesn’t take much to set up a command center. A basket + wall hooks for necessities, a small chalkboard or a calendar for notes + reminders, and a simple filing system for action items are a good start. In terms of paper items, you could set up two baskets for “in” + “out” and make sure you handle both baskets at least weekly.

Go Digital

Digitizing documents will let you keep fewer things in your command center, out of sight. Most creditors, utility companies + other organizations offer the option for paperless billing, so you never have to worry about losing something in a paper pile at home. 

You can also scan important paper files and toss or shred the hard copies — say, if you only have a paper copy of a file or you have trouble parting with kids’ artwork, for example.

Bonus tip: When you go digital, make sure you’ve got different folders set up on your storage device so you can avoid creating a new problem with digital clutter *wink*. 

P.S. Did we mention our Digital Decluttering Organizing Kit?

Curate Mindfully

Aim to create spaces filled with items that spark joy, serve a purpose + create opportunities to savor the moments with your loved ones. As you consider which paper items to keep and which ones to get rid of, ask yourself:

  • Do I absolutely need it?

  • Is there a way to hang on to it digitally?

  • Can I deal with this item now? (If not, pick an “in” or “out” basket.) 

  • Will my kiddo notice if I get rid of this drawing from eight years ago *wink*?

  • How much lighter would I feel if I cut this paper pile in half?

Build Habits for a Clutter-Free Life

Letting go of paper clutter can feel like getting rid of a security blanket. But we promise that with time + practice, you’ll start loving the paperless life. Here are some healthy habits to pick up:

Make Time For Sorting 

Those in + out baskets only work if you sort through them regularly. Try setting aside time weekly to file documents, mail items + handle any paper accumulated throughout the week.

Be As Digital As Possible 

Paperless billing + digital scanners, apps, calendars, and reminders can help you cut ties with paper. You might even save a tree or two, friend *wink*. 

Open Yourself to the Possibilities of Paper-Free Living

When you start freeing up physical space in your home, you’ll be amazed at how much freer you feel overall. Check out some of the cool benefits of living a paperless life. 

You’ll Reclaim Your Time + Energy

An organized home generates positive energy. Better still, eliminating paper clutter can even inspire you to ditch the emotional clutter that can come with a disorganized home. 

Instead of feeling swamped, overloaded, and on the verge of losing your cool, you can spend your time enjoying your home, building relationships with your loved ones, and enjoying the beautiful spaces you’ve created.

You’ll Invite Abundance

When it comes to clutter, as one psychology professor explains to the American Psychological Association, what we think is abundance is actually an attachment to things. 

With this attachment comes chaotic, disorderly living that causes distress. As it turns out, the more clutter we have, the lower our satisfaction with life. 

On the flip side, freeing yourself from attachments to unnecessary items allows you to create space for the things that matter, not the stuff that weighs you down.

You’ll Feel More Inspired

Dumping paper clutter can feel like taking off a pair of tight shoes at the end of a long day. How much better would you feel if you could wiggle your toes around freely, so to speak *wink*? And what kinds of new experiences, opportunities + relationships could you cultivate if you’re not burdened by paper messes? 

In the absence of clutter, you’ll have an orderly space that can inspire you in numerous ways — whether you finally sit down to write that novel or you simply want a quiet, serene environment to collect your thoughts. 

If you have a home office, a tidy space can even make you feel more productive, calmer + more in control. 

Make It the Breakup That Sticks

If paper clutter had an online dating profile, we’d be swiping left, bestie. We hope this post inspires you to do the same, motivating you to declutter and cut ties with paper piles once and for all. 

Just imagine the ripple effect of taming your paper messes and creating a clutter-free environment! It’s not just about throwing away unneeded items but rather improving your overall well-being in + out of the home. Plus, the more you embrace a paper-free lifestyle, the more your family will feel at ease, too.

As you tackle your mountains of paper, remember that you don’t have to do it alone! Elegant Simplicity Interiors is here to help you make sense of your home’s organization systems + design a home that supports your happiness for the long haul.

Are you excited to go paper-free? Let’s chat — whether about organizational challenges or major design overhauls, we’ve got you covered.

Do you have any hot tips about eliminating paper clutter? Feel free to drop your comments below or on our social pages.

That’s our riff for today … thanks for tuning in!

P.S. If you loved this article, then you simply must check out our guide, 4 Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home.

P.P.S. Digital decluttering is a job all on its own! Snag our Digital Decluttering Kit to make the task a whole lot easier.