Interior Design in Seattle & Bellevue | Elegant Simplicity

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Effortless Holiday Entertaining

If there’s one time a year where the organizing systems in our homes are almost universally challenged for all of us, it's undoubtedly around the holidays. 

And likely you know this from experience so let us paint the picture for you… what does your kitchen, refrigerator or pantry look like on Thanksgiving? Likely, it becomes a dumping ground for more condiments, prepared foods + snacks than you could ever imagine. Amiright?!?!

Well, the influx of ‘new’ stuff can feel omnipresent.

New foods in the pantry.

New foods in the refrigerator.

New foods in the freezer.

New decorations to add to your holiday decor.

And maybe even, some new people.

You see when it comes to holiday entertaining, all these ‘new’ things not only challenge the why behind the way we’ve set up the organizing systems in our homes but it’s around the holidays + entertaining that we often fear not having enough — so we buy more than we have room for.

With this predicament out in front of us, let’s take a look at several ways to make this seasons holiday entertaining an absolute breeze *wink*


At Elegant Simplicity, no matter what we’re doing together — we believe it all starts by assessing what we’re trying to accomplish. 

What does your version of holiday entertaining look like this season? 

  • Is it a full house on Thanksgiving?

  • Family for a few weeks centered around Christmas Eve + Christmas Day?

  • A New Year’s Eve party?

Clearly identifying what holiday entertaining looks like this year, helps determine what you’ll truly need to make it feel effortless.

Imagine that friend, effortless holiday entertaining? Yep!


Once you know what you need to prepare for — the first step is done. Now, the question becomes how much preparation can you do ahead of time to make the holiday’s feel — ya know, like a holiday for you too *wink*

Coach Dennis Green used to tell John, “plan your work, so you can work your plan!”

We’ve seen the impact of that statement at Elegant Simplicity + in our clients own homes — but there’s no better way to make your holiday’s feel frictionless than in priming your own environment.

If you’re planning a single day event — consider what you can have accomplished the day before. 

From tablescapes to food prepping, so much of holiday entertaining can be complete in small batches. A few moments for decorating the house, a few moments for cooking. What you prepare for ahead of time creates physical space + time on the day of.

If you’re planning for an extended stay from family or friends, you’re likely considering more than holiday decorations + food but the process still remains the same. 

What can be accomplished in advance of their arrival?

When you take the time on the front end, everything else seemingly falls into place. 

Decluttering Around The Holidays

The second step to planning your work is to… work the plan!

The place to start working your plan — is to think about the rooms that guests will be in. What is necessary in this room? 

And while that can sound like a crazy ambiguous question, when it comes to holiday entertaining it’s actually pretty straight forward. What makes sense to keep + what makes sense to let go of? 

If there’s several people in the room — are there things in the way? Removing items ahead of time, creates breathing room in your home.

But decluttering isn’t the only organizing consideration to make when it comes to holiday entertaining.

Evaluate Your Organizing Systems

When we set up organizing systems, they’re built around your everyday routines.

If you’re not regularly hosting large gatherings then your home likely needs some attention around your organizing systems to make holiday entertaining feel as frictionless as everyday life *wink*

Whether that’s in touching up your guest suite by ensuring that there’s enough toiletries + organized linens accessible for family or friends to creating space for new foods in your pantry, freezer or refrigerator — evaluating your organizing systems ahead of the holidays is a huge part of working your plan.

Looking at your organizing systems objectively, through the lens of holiday entertaining, will also afford you the opportunity to see any kinks in your organizing systems + address them ahead of having company.

Do you have room for things like suitcases, extra coats, bags + shoes? 

Creating An Inviting Space For Holiday Entertaining

Look, let’s be clear — the fact that you’re reading this means your guests are going to feel welcome in your home. So much of making others feel welcome is considering their needs + you’re already doing that *wink*

But… it’s best to walk a mile in their shoes — imagine yourself as a guest, when you walk through the door — what things would make you feel comfortable + welcome? 

Prime Their Environment

We’ve talked a little about priming environments already — but as a guest, what things do you want predetermined for you?

Here’s a few…

  • A clear place to put things like your jacket, shoes or even personal bags.

  • A place for putting gifts (after all, it is the holidays).

  • A space for setting things down (i.e. clear tabletops or surfaces).

  • If you’re having overnight guests, access to linens, soaps + extra toiletries.

Thinking ahead for them is anticipating their needs + when you’re considering someone else's needs, not merely your own, you’re certain to create a welcoming home.

Have The Cleaners Come In

One of the most stress free + convenient aspects of holiday entertaining is having your cleaners come to give your home a clean prior to holiday entertaining. 

Perhaps your cleaners are on a regular schedule (every week or two weeks) + it won’t align perfect with your guests schedule but in most cases having your cleaners come in to wipe down window sills, trim, blinds + lights in addition to their routine clean will help put you at ease that your home is not only clutter-free + organized — but also clean of any overlooked areas :)


Of course, creating an inviting space for holiday entertaining is going to include some level of decorating :) but more than simply decorations — we know that function precedes aesthetic. 

One of the most often overlooked things around holiday entertaining is where will people sit. If you’re having a formal style dinner with everyone seated at the table — then you’ll need to consider the amount of chairs or benches needed to accommodate all of your guests.

And of course, beyond function — adding holiday ambiance in the form of candles, floral or other festive decorations will certainly bring about a welcoming atmosphere.


One of the most overlooked aspects of creating a welcoming home for holiday entertaining is the background noise. A few holiday tunes can really set the mood for more fun, more laughter + certainly more love around the holidays.

Enjoy Your People

It should go without saying but we’ll say it anyway, holiday entertaining is about “your people.” Enjoy the moments cooking, cleaning, laughing. Tell stories, retrace family history, kiss, hug, shake hands. 

There is so much about the holidays that are worth celebrating + holding dear. It’s not merely about “the gifts” or “presents” it’s about “the presence.” Give that to your family + friends this year.

And there you have it, my love. Effortless holiday entertaining…

Designing + organizing a home you never want to leave — a home with everything you need + nothing more is an ongoing process that’s evolving. It doesn’t have to be exhausting or all too consuming but our belief at Elegant Simplicity is that you don’t design or organize one time, because nothing in life is once + for all. 

It’s about embracing the process of creating a beautiful, functional + forgiving home.

If you love this — get ready for another happy dance. Enjoy our FREE Video Course: 4 Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home + if you’re wanting to dive even deeper into the world of organizing or design —request a 30-minute FREE Clarity Call.