When it comes to finding innovative kitchen organizing ideas, they’re a dime a dozen. Now don’t get me wrong, I know that no one likes a messy kitchen. Hence why kitchen organizing ideas are so popular. When we take the time to apply a necessary kind of introspective thinking to the way we live, we not only learn “how” to get organized but we understand “what it takes” to stay organized.
Read MoreThe joy of being a homebody is absolutely positively w-o-n-d-e-r-ful. But what exactly you ask, is a homebody? Better yet, do you even want to master it? Well, I’m glad you asked. Because I’m obviously rooting for “Team YES” but let's lean into our inner homebody for a bit, so you can decide for yourself if being a homebody is right for you.
Read MoreWe get it. Moving can quickly be summed up as being a rollercoaster of emotions. And that’s exactly why having an organized move is so important to the wellbeing of you, your family, your neighbors, your friends + yes, even the helping hands you’ve hired to help things flow smoothly. But what exactly does an organized move even look like? What are some things you can do at the onset of your move to really make life easier on yourself long term?
Read MoreI can confidently say that organizing important documents is one of the most commonly overlooked areas when it comes to getting organized. It’s not only that most people are unfamiliar with + really don’t know the best ways to go about organizing important documents but SPOILER ALERT boo, their procrastination comes from not knowing exactly what to keep vs. what they should get rid of.
In other words, most people struggle to create a system for organizing all of their important information so they can not only find it but, if need be, someone else can find exactly what they need — when they need it.
Read MoreIf I’m being honest, it’s likely not often you hear an interior designer or any of the talking heads within the home industry speak up about furniture disposal. That’s because, well, even if the problems around furniture waste matter to them, when you buy furniture — they profit.
Read MoreMy challenge to you is to take a moment + think — what makes good bathroom organizing ideas vs. bad bathroom organizing ideas? Bathroom organizing ideas are best when they actually address real needs in your home. When they’re based upon the way you live. Which means that for many of us with larger homes — there’s likely more than one bathroom to consider organizing ideas for.
Read MoreEverything you set out to improve upon in your home requires change — if it didn’t, it would be fine the way was. So, if you want new results (i.e. an organized home, kitchen, pantry, etc) — you’re going to have to do things differently than you’ve done in the past. And that all starts with the way you think about being organized.
Read MoreOur health + wellbeing is typically something we take pride in. Each of us wants to be healthier, we want to live longer + provide a safe place for our families to live. So, without much arm twisting *wink* a healthy home should be front of mind because it’s an incredibly important topic to all of us.
Read MoreSimply put: there is no shortage of ideas for clothes storage. And yet, most people have a closet (or two) at home that’s overcrowded. Full of clothes that for whatever reason you don’t really wear anymore. Embarrassingly it’s brimming with dresses, sweaters, t-shirts + jeans that’ve all managed to surreptitiously evade the donation pile. Sound familiar?
Well, that’s because closets these days are bigger now than they’ve ever been!
Read MoreWhether we’re furnishing one room or designing your entire home from top to bottom, there are hundreds if not thousands of questions; a ton of moving parts + lets just say that the receiving warehouse (or a receiving company) is likely one of the most integral parts of the entire process.
Read MoreEventually, quick tips, tricks, hacks + everything of the sort will fail. And they’ll fail for one very obvious reason — because it’s a broken belief system. It’s a bunch of fragmented ideas strung together that seems like good advice but my friend, nothing in life is constant. Truthfully, the one fact about life that is constant... is that it’s constantly changing. This means that in time, eventually, your home will become messy again. So, how do you put a stop to this?
Read MoreWhat sustainable interior design should be is a baseline, or rather a framework, from which ALL interior designers practice to create a beautiful, functional + safe home for you, your family AND the environment. From how it’s designed + built to the layout, the furnishings + even the way it all gets organized. Yep, sustainable interior design is an all-encompassing philosophy for creating a home you never want to leave. From the materials selected in designing your home to the routine ways, your family lives in the space. It’s non-negotiable. Practicing design and organizing with those things in mind — helps ensure a better (home) environment for everyone.
Read MoreHow to organize your life at home is about shifting your mindset. And that’s because creating a home you never want to leave is a continuous journey. It’s not a final destination. What I mean is you don’t simply wake up + be organized. Wake up + have a kitchen that is beautiful + functional. Sure, it might happen a singular time but it doesn’t happen overnight. Now I realize that’s something most people definitely don’t want (or even like) to hear. But it’s the truth –– because life, like home, is continuous.
Read MoreMany of our clients are surprised when we tell them that furniture upholstery is one of the most important decisions they’ll make when it comes to furnishing their home. From color, pattern, texture, and material to durability + performance –– fabric selection is not only important but it can be flat-out overwhelming.
That’s because, when it comes to furniture upholstery, there are so many choices + so many different considerations that need to be accounted for.
Read MoreAt Elegant Simplicity, we believe home is everything you need + nothing more. So to us, home management becomes more about actually identifying + then creating organized systems designed specifically for each area in your home to ensure that the needs of you + your family are always taken care of.
Read MoreWhen it comes to designing a home that’s truly customized to you + your family — a home with everything you need + nothing more –– selecting the most comfortable couch can certainly feel like a challenging task. Not only are there infinite choices + decisions to be made around style, color, or scale but you also really want to invest in a quality piece that you can use for years to come. Something you know will live up to the rigors of everyday life for your family.
As for agreeing on the most comfortable couch *welp* it’s subjective. Because everyone’s definition + ideal comfort level is different. Right? So, we put this guide together for you to identify where to begin.
Read MoreWhen it comes to furnishing your home, most people go about selecting their living room area rug the wrong way because they start by making decisions that are based solely on appearance + the way it looks instead of scale. And knowing what living room rug size is right for your home can be tricky. Let’s dive in.
Read MoreDeveloped in the early 20th century, the kitchen triangle has become a staple in many of our kitchens. In fact what we know, love + have come to accept as being good kitchen design is anchored around this humble 3-sided geometrical shape better known as –– the kitchen triangle.
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