Why Sustainable Interior Design Is Important
What comes to mind when you hear the phrase,“opening pandora's box?” Welp, if it conjured up a vision that led to a lot of uncomfortable problems which didn’t previously exist, then my friend, that’s sustainable interior design.
You see, with there being so many different aspects to it, sustainable interior design often gets a bad wrap because for most it conjures up an overwhelming feeling of uncertainty that leads down a never ending path of I don’t know’s + shoulder shrugs.
Unfortunately, it’s thought of as being a niche subset of interior design. Or rather an area of expertise in which some designers specialize in while others don’t.
But in my (not so) humble opinion I’m here to tell you — that’s all backwards!
Really it is.
Instead what sustainable interior design should be is a baseline, or rather a framework, from which ALL interior designers practice to create a beautiful, functional + safe home for you, your family AND the environment.
It should be the baseline that resonates through every article in shelter + home magazines.
It should be openly discussed on podcasts + talked about regularly on TV.
Because in order to design a home the right way, sustainably, we need to think big picture. We need to first consider the whole home.
From how it’s designed + built to the layout, the furnishings + even the way it all gets organized. Yep, sustainable interior design is an all-encompassing philosophy for creating a home you never want to leave. From the materials selected in designing your home to the routine ways, your family lives in the space. It’s non-negotiable.
Practicing design and organizing with those things in mind — helps ensure a better (home) environment for everyone.
And if all of this sounds like a lot — it is.
But then again, as your design + organizing bff’s, that’s why you’ve got us.
So, let’s dive in + discover what exactly sustainable interior design is + why the heck it matters. Shall we?
What is Sustainable Interior Design
Sustainable interior design “seeks to reduce negative impacts on the environment, and the health and comfort of people, thereby improving building performance. The basic objectives of sustainability are to reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, minimize waste, and create healthy, productive environments.” - GSA
Long story short, sustainable interior design is consciously creating a home that’s focused on:
Resource Conservation + Protection
Waste Reduction
Environmental + Human Health
Why Sustainable Interior Design Matters
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average American spends 93% of their life indoors where the concentration of pollutants is often 5 times higher than outdoors.
In other words, we’re spending less than a half-day per week outside which means that the role interior design plays in our homes is incredibly significant, for a couple of reasons, actually.
Realizing that we eat, sleep + breath + that the interactions we’re having are mostly confined to an environment that’s been created for us — shouldn’t that environment work to not only improve our wellbeing but also address the impacts + concerns outside our home too?!
You see, the positive impact our natural environment has on our wellbeing has been scientifically proven to reduce:
blood pressure
heart rate
muscle tension
and even the production of stress hormones
...which only highlights why we design (both the interior + exterior of) our homes from a place of intentionality + the importance of making decisions with care. Having an awareness of the fact that each decision we make leaves an imprint on Mother Nature.
It’s also why, at Elegant Simplicity, all of our design projects are rooted in the principles of biophilic design. Because effective biophilic design in our homes creates environments that emulate the restorative benefits nature offers us.
“Study Nature, love Nature, stay close to Nature. It will never fail you.”
By carefully curating + weaving into our designs, natural elements that are often seen, touched + experienced outdoors into the places we live, it bridges the gap + allows our home to become more than a dropzone. It transforms our most intimate spaces into a conduit that reconnects us with all of the positive impacts of nature.
But let’s be clear, biophilic design isn’t simply an innovative tool that provides us with a way to be more efficient, productive, or creative.
It’s a level of consciousness that gets wrapped up + incorporated into every decision that's made. It’s something you willingly lean into as you build, design, furnish + style your entire home because it matters. And because when it’s done the right way, it has profound, significant, and truly transformative effects on our health + well-being.
For more on Biophilic Interior Design + our connection to the natural environment, here’s our two cents + what we have to say about Incorporating Biophilic Design In Your Home
Sustainable Interior Designs Impact On Our Health + Wellbeing
Another integral aspect of sustainable interior design is both human and environmental health. Having an interior designer who’s knowledgeable + understands the health implications of carcinogens and other toxic materials that may be found in interior furnishings + materials is critical for those who live in your home.
Focusing on things like NAF, NAUF or ULEF composite woods to low VOC paints (volatile organic compounds) or the ILFs Red List — because ultimately, you want a beautiful home that’s also a functional home. Functional in a way that is toxin-free + consciously chooses to protect your family and the environment from toxicity concerns.
If you’ve read this far, it’s obvious sustainable interior design is important to you + your family but it also plays a significant role in the overall health + safety of those who manufacture the materials as well as for the contractors who complete demolition + installation.
Sustainable Interior Designs Impact On The Environments Health
Environmentally sustainable interior design is probably the thing that came to mind first. An interior designer plays a huge role in selecting materials, appliances + fixtures for your home that are potential, both, energy + water-efficient products. From things like appliances to fixtures using EPA-approved products positively contributes to lowering the negative impact our homes have on the environment.
In fact, did you know that if every household in America installed a water-efficient faucet, the U.S. could save 60 billion gallons of water annually? And if you’re a random trivia junkie like me, here are a ton more statistics from the EPA on water savings. At the same time, it’s important to keep in mind that designing a home sustainably isn’t merely about choosing the right appliances + conserving water.
Considering the amount of natural light such as where windows + doors are placed + how much light is allowed to filter through window coverings plays an important role in maintaining a consistent temperature indoors.
Surprisingly even the paint or color scheme present throughout your home can contribute to lessening your home's dependence on artificial light which in turn lowers its overall energy use.
The environmental impact of materials + products beginning with manufacturing, during its use + how it can be discarded when its no longer needed is a huge part of sustainable interior design. And the LCA (life cycle assessment) helps interior designers understand + evaluate a material or product’s impact on the environment.
The Future Of Green Design
As an interior design firm, being aware of the importance of sustainable interior design + incorporating it as a framework for where we begin our work together has a tremendous impact on not only the sustainability of the environment but on you, your family + the quality of how everyday life unfolds in your home –– long after we’re gone.
In reality boo, there are hundreds if not thousands of different ways for someone to be more environmentally friendly but creating a home that prioritizes sustainability should be a baseline principle for how your home is created.
Foundational Tips For Designing With Sustainability In Mind
Consider The Real Cost
No joke –– the disposable design culture is real + it’s everywhere you look. As you scroll through your social media news feeds, it’s in magazines, it’s in movies + its even on TV. So, paying attention my friend, to the way thins are made. How things like a rug, a piece of art, the fabric or everyday furnishings are made, where it’s made, by whom it’s made and from what materials it’s made because all of these details play a huge role in creating a sustainable home.
We could undoubtedly go on + on for days about the real cost of unsustainable design + if this tickles your fancy you should definitely carve out time to read our Real Cost Of Series: The Real Cost of Custom Furniture, The Real Cost of Handmade Furniture + The Real Cost of Made To Order Furniture.
Consider Energy Consumption
As interior designers, at Elegant Simplicity, we’re wholeheartedly dedicated to the cause + aware of the role we play in improving a home’s energy efficiency. Which is why we work so closely with architects during the Architectural Design Phase of a custom home building project to design homes that reduce the consumable energy needed for heating, cooling, lighting + running appliances. #WorthEveryPenny
From the quality of the windows being installed + how much light a specific room gets to the role drapery and window coverings play in regulating temperature. Everything from selecting Energy Star appliances down to choosing quality Watersense plumbing fixtures –– creating a home with a focus on energy efficiency + energy consumption is key to actually lessening the impact your home has on the environment.
In the end, my friend, sustainable interior design should be our baseline principles for creating a home you never want to leave.
Designing a home that you’ll not only live in but a home that’s intentionally designed to be everything your family needs + nothing more –– now that’s the ultimate love investment! It’s also an investment in time. An investment in energy. And a financial investment. But don’t forget friend, that it isn’t about reaching a final destination nor is it something you just happen upon.
Our homes should represent us. They should embody the things we value + what we believe. Which are likely going to change over time (because life happens, boo!)
In other words, what you really want isn’t cheap furniture that looks nice or a quick + easy design solution but rather a home you, love, value + respect. A home that you can live in for the unforeseeable future + be proud of.
Which is why, in order to create a home that feels like the most comfortable part of your day, an interior designer + professional organizer at Elegant Simplicity has to consider every aspect of how you live –– does this piece of furniture, material, or product we bring into your home make sense for you, your family AND the environment. Because it matters.
Sound exhausting or overwhelming? Fortunately (or should I say, lucky for you) with a lifetime of knowledge that we’ve accumulated from first-hand experiences –– we do the hard work.
Now don’t be shy, if you’re planning your next project, let’s chat.
Go on, book a one-on-one FREE 30-minute Clarity Call with us + get ready for some magic, sister!