The Art of Shelf Organizing: How to Organize Your Shelves For Functionality + Aesthetics

The Art of Shelf Organizing in a decluttered home in Seattle, Washington by professional organizing firm, Elegant Simplicity.

In a time when digital media is quickly replacing paperback books, there is unmistakably something endearing and classic about a well-organized shelf. Not only does it house your cherished collection of books, but it also serves as a reflection of your personality. 

Beyond stacking books, the art of shelf organization involves striking a balance between functionality and aesthetics. Your shelves can be a focal point of a bookcase in your living area that provides personality and warmth or an accent in a kitchen that provides ease in function. 

Friend, in this article, we’ll dive into the art of shelf organizing, offering a few go-to strategies on how to organize shelves for maximum functionality + of course, so that they’re pleasing to the eye *wink*

So, let’s transform your shelves into a captivating visual treat, shall we?

“Containers are the unsung heroes of organization” quote about The Art of Shelf Organizing by Bellevue, Washington professional organizing firm, Elegant Simplicity.

Understanding The Basics Of Shelf Organizing

What is Shelf Organizing?

Shelf organizing is the process of categorizing items + arranging them, particularly books, bowls, plates, or decor items, on an open shelf (floating or bookcase) in a manner that is both functional + aesthetically pleasing. 

Whether for a full-service design member or organizing member, it involves the thoughtful placement of decorative elements to create a visually balanced shelf.

Why Does Shelf Organizing Matter?

Well, let’s be honest, if you’re reading this — you’re aware organized shelves aren’t merely practical; they play a significant role in the overall emotionality of your home. In fact, a well-organized shelf can literally change the ambiance of a room because it showcases your personality. 

Another reason shelf organization matters is because it can serve as a conversation starter with family + friends. Simply by displaying the things that are meaningful + important to you, your home begins to tell a story which provides context to family + friends for conversation. 

Not to mention, shelf organization makes finding and accessing things easier. This not only encourages you to continue learning but acts as a reminder to focus on the things in your life you find meaningful.

The Elements of Shelf Organizing

Regardless of whether the shelves we’re organizing are floating shelves in a kitchen, bathroom, office or living room — there are several elements that we’ll want to group into like-items.


One might argue that the primary purpose of a bookshelf is to store books *wink*. However, how books are arranged makes a big difference. We recommend grouping books by size, genre, or color. This will allow you to easily incorporate them into the space you have available to you. Psst… for more on creating space for book storage, check out this article.


Incorporating decor into your shelves can break the monotony of rows upon rows upon rows *wink* of books. Decor has the potential to add visual interest. Think of decor as plants, frames, sculptures or other decor tchotchkes. 

Plates, Bowls, Drinkware + Utensils

Incorporating plates, bowls, drinkware or utensils into kitchen shelves can not only be functional but also showcase their unique color, pattern, or design. For instance, you can stack bowls in descending order of size, neatly group your drinkware or combine plates and bowls with other kitchen items such as jars of spices, cookbooks, or potted herbs to create a more dynamic and inviting kitchen space. 

Towels + Bath Items

Neatly folded towels can be stacked or rolled to create a spa-like ambiance. For bathroom items like toiletries and accessories, consider using decorative baskets or containers to keep them organized + place frequently used items at eye level for easy access. By thoughtfully arranging towels and bathroom items, you can maximize storage while creating a serene and tranquil bathroom.

The Art of Shelf Organizing in the kitchen of this home in Seattle, Washington by professional organizing firm, Elegant Simplicity.

Getting Started With Shelf Organizing

Now you’re ready… but where do you begin? Well friend, it wouldn’t be Elegant Simplicity if you didn’t begin with an assessment. *wink*

Assess What You Have

Before ever sorting + organizing items, it’s integral to the process of creating a home around everything you need + nothing more® to begin by assessing how you’ll use the space + what you already have. 

Simply ask, what is the function of the shelves in this space? Are they merely decorative or do they play a role in everyday living?

Decluttering items + determining what to keep, what to donate + what might no longer be usable is critical because it helps ensure you not only won't be holding onto anything unnecessary but that you’re making room for what actually serves a purpose in your life.

Not to mention, it makes the next steps a heck of a lot more manageable because everything left after this step is intentional.

Group Like Items Into Categories

Having decluttered your shelves, it’s officially time to begin organizing. Now, we break down organizing into several steps — the first of which is to group-like items into categories. By placing similar items together, you create a sense of cohesion and order in the organizing process as it makes it easier to locate items when you need them. Moreover, grouping like items affords us more clarity in determining exactly what we have.

Because we know that all the books are here, all the plates, bowls, cups, towels, etc are together — we can once again check that we need all of these + then accurately determine what should be on display.

For books, consider sorting by size, genre or color.

For decor, sort by item, size + color.

For kitchenware, consider sorting by item, size + color.

For bathroom items + towels, sort by item.


Curate With Intention

Creating a home that is both beautiful + functional requires a ton of discernment in the process. Not all books, towels, bowls, etc need to be displayed on your shelves. The remaining items may be stored in a nearby closet or cabinet.

Choose that which you love, are currently using, or that complements the other items around it as well as the overall space. The goal here is to be really intentional about what you put on display as even the most functional shelves should also feel

You can rotate things on your shelves seasonally or based on your current needs.

Styling Your Shelves

Because we’ve knocked the clutter aspect of shelf organizing out of the park, here’s a few tips for styling your shelves aesthetically speaking. For help with styling your shelves with books, check out this article.

  1. Largest items always go first to separate items similar in scale.

  2. Tall items go in the back, which creates a frame for smaller items in the front.

  3. Consider asymmetry for a more natural feel.

For more bookshelf styling, check out this blog.

Containers + Labels

Because you’ve worked the process of assessing, decluttering, categorizing, + curating with intention, you know what you need to actually containerize + if any labels are necessary. Before doing all of that, you’d have no idea what to purchase containers for.

Now, not every open shelf needs containers so let's be clear here. 

Containers help corral categories of stuff. In fact, around Elegant Simplicity we say containers are the unsung heroes of organization, masterfully corralling categories of items into neat, accessible, and visually pleasing groups. 

They are the quintessential tool for taming chaos, transforming a jumble of belongings into a streamlined and purposeful arrangement. Whether it's a kitchen shelf, a bathroom shelf, or living room bookcases, containers act as guardians of order, ensuring that every item has a rightful place within the symphony of space. *wink*

Now, you might have a basket of towels, a small basket of toiletry items, a basket of fruits + vegetables. Really, your need for containers + labels is going to be specific to not only the room you’re organizing but in the specific shelf that you’re organizing.

We say that so you’re not overwhelmed if you feel like you can skip this step *wink*

Well, there you have it friend. The Art Of Shelf Organizing.

The Art of Shelf Organizing in the office of this home in Bellevue, Washington by professional organizing firm, Elegant Simplicity.

Embracing Home As Continuous

The Fluidity of Life And Our Homes

Life is ever-changing, and so are our needs. As you evolve + your family evolves, it’s important that the spaces you inhabit reflect and accommodate who you are. Your organized shelves should not be static; they should be adaptable and reflective of how you’re living at any given moment.

Be Constantly Re-Evaluating

Take a step back and assess whether your shelves still serve this season. Are there items that are no longer relevant? Are there new items that need a place? This regular re-evaluation is essential for maintaining an organized space that aligns with your life.

Well, there you have it — The Art Of Organizing Shelves In Your Home. 

If you haven’t already, check out our FREE video course: 4 Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home and when you’re ready to begin your transformational journey — let’s chat.