Why As Interior Designers — We Love Quartz Countertops

Whether it's for a kitchen, bathroom, walk-in pantry or bar area there are countless options to choose from when it comes to selecting the right quartz countertops for your home.

As a luxury interior design + professional organizing firm, we know that along with choice, especially countless choices, comes uncertainty + overwhelm. 

And yet it’s not merely selecting the right quartz countertops — the domino effect from this decision to the next is real.  

After all, you want a home that feels like an ultimate guilty pleasure. A home that has continuity throughout the space.

So, let’s talk, specifically, about selecting quartz countertops, shall we?

What Are Quartz Countertops 

By now, most people are familiar with quartz countertops, because they’ve grown to be a very popular choice. However, let’s clarify a few misconceptions about them.

Unlike other types of countertops such as marble, granite, and soapstone which are extracted from a rock quarry + are categorized as natural stone — quartz countertops are a man-made material. 

They are made by crushing + mixing actual quartz with other natural stones + then bonding them together to create a natural stone looking countertop often referred to as “engineered stone.”

A Bellevue, Washington kitchen with quartz countertops designed by Sherri Monte, interior designer at Elegant Simplicity.

Benefits of Quartz Countertops

The next question we often hear from clients is what are the benefits of quartz countertops? And there are a lot of them…

Quartz Is Antimicrobial

From how clutter affects you to incorporating biophillic design principles + to being conscientious of the indoor air quality the impact our homes have on our clients' wellbeing is important.

And we recommend quartz to our clients because it’s non-porous which means unlike granite or marble, it's resistant to bacteria penetrating the surface.

Quartz Is Low Maintenance

Quartz countertops require hardly any maintenance. 

That’s right boo, unlike marble which needs to be cleaned + sealed every 3-6 months to protect it from staining or soapstone which needs to be oiled to preserve its luster, quartz countertops have no ongoing maintenance. #freedom

The maintenance of quartz countertops is as easy as a rag with warm water or a non-abrasive cleaner that’s safe for quartz.

Quartz Is Durable

We never want to say something is “indestructible” because we know that accidents in life simply happen *wink* However, in part because it is man-made, one huge benefit of quartz is that it’s incredibly durable.

Whereas natural stone has some softness to it — which means juices, oils, tomatoes, coffee or wine can often wear the sealant off + increase the possibility of staining, quartz is harder than a rock :)

In fact, more than likely quartz is scratch resistant + it’s been known to dull a knife a time or two *wink*

Quartz Is Better For The Environment

One of the often overlooked aspects of creating a home is not only the impact it has on our wellbeing but the impact it has on our environment. 

With natural stones such as marble or soapstone, the extraction process is invasive. Massive rock quarries are created + then mining the earth is what makes these gorgeous stones possible. 

Whereas with quartz countertops, mineral quartz is often readily available + they can often be manufactured locally.

An all white kitchen designed by Elegant Simplicity an interior design firm in Seattle, Washington

Why We Love Quartz At Elegant Simplicity

Beyond the obvious benefits of quartz countertops from above, there are several reasons why we love quartz for our clients at Elegant Simplicity.


As a luxury interior design firm, we’re often designing large kitchens, bathrooms, walk-in pantries + laundry rooms where a ton of countertop is needed. 

Unlike natural stone where each countertop slab is unique because when it comes to mother nature, no two-things are exactly the same — quartz countertops however, provide uniformity.

That’s right — we can have the same exact veining from slab to slab. That might sound insignificant but it’s incredible. From waterfall countertops where bold veining “waterfalls” down to the floor to subtle “bookmatching” where veining can extend the length of a long wall of cabinets — uniformity in quartz countertops is invaluable.


It’s not everyday you’re reading an interior design firms blog + stumble upon “chameleon-like” as a way to describe quartz countertops *wink* 

Jokes aside, another reason we absolutely rave over quartz countertops is because it can play well with so many other natural stones. Not to mention, not only is there a wide variety of quartz countertop options to choose from — some that look like granite, some that look like marble — but quartz looks like real stone. 

If you can get all the benefits of quartz from a maintenance, durability + environmental standpoint while also playing well with the other finishes in your home — why not!

Quartz-counterop in a master bathroom designed by Elegant Simplicity a Bellevue interior designer.

Considerations For Why Quartz Countertops Might Make Sense

We don’t want to simply “assume” that because we love quartz countertops that by default it’s what should be chosen for our clients. And so, we’ve come up with several questions that help determine if quartz countertops or another stone is the right choice.

Is there a preference when it comes to stone? 

Some clients love marble or soapstone while others don’t have any strong feelings at all about the stones chosen.

Is it a wet-area such as a kitchen or bathroom?

Then perhaps a more durable material besides a natural stone is necessary.

Is it a place where food or acidic liquids could ruin a finish?

If it is — this could be another indicator that quartz countertops make a ton of sense.

How often will the surface be used?

If it’s not going to be used often or it's going to be used for things that aren’t hard on the surface then a natural stone might be a fine choice. Otherwise, if it will be used daily… we might lean towards quartz countertops.

These are simply some (certainly not all) of the considerations we ask ourselves when we’re assessing + curating countertop selections for our clients. Remember, home is everything you need + nothing more™.


And there you have it — several reasons why as an interior design firm, we absolutely LOVE quartz countertops for our clients. 

That’s my rift for today, thanks for tuning in :)

Don’t forget, if you’re in the preliminary planning stages of your next project, let’s chat

P.S. If you loved this article then you’re going to really enjoy the 4 Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home.