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Everything You Need To Know About The Value Of Organizing Labels

Whether you’re in your kitchen, closet or home office organizing labels certainly can play a huge role in keeping your home organized. Because even if you declutter, organize and containerize but don’t properly label it can still be hard to find everything you need. 

This is why we often refer to organizing labels as literally and metaphorically the glue that keeps things together. And we’re going to dive into how + why that’s the case later on.

But the world of organizing labels is vast and far + so knowing what to look for when selecting organizing labels to transform your space from functional but basic into a beautifully organized system can really be a difficult challenge to overcome. 

When should the labels be permanent? When should they be temporary? How do I know I’m ready to begin using organizing labels?

Well… let’s dive into everything you need to know about organizing labels according to your organizing besties :)

The Value Of Organizing Labels

Earlier I mentioned that organizing labels literally + metaphorically could be the glue that keeps things together and the reality is — they are. But, how?

Labels Remind You Of The Choices + Decisions You’ve Already Made

Labeling, is not step one of getting organized. 

What that means is that when you’re actually in the labeling process you’ve already made a lot of decisions around the things you need + the things you don’t. 

Now that we’re adding labels means we’re not only choosing to make the organizing system look “prettier” but we’re committing to making the organizing system function more efficiently for the long haul. 

Organizing Labels, strengthen the organizing systems we’ve already set up. 

In most cases, but not all, without labeling the system breakdowns over time. 

Labels Make Things Easy To Find

At Elegant Simplicity, we believe that home is everything you need + nothing more. 

And sometimes it can be difficult to find what we need amidst all the other belongings that we also need… even if they’re organized. 

This is exactly where labels for organizing come in. 

They make things easy to find. 

Sometimes, that’s going to be in a clothes closet labeled with something like “winter hats” and other times that’s going to be very niched like in a garage where you’re labeling a size of a screw. 

Yes, my brother’s garage is HIGHLY organized #RunsInTheFam :)

Labels Help Everyone

Labels not only help to remind you + your family to put things back where you found them or where they go but they actually teach anyone using the space how to maintain it. 

Look, it’s not called “organizing maintenance” for nothing *wink* 

Organizing takes a constant effort by everyone involved to maintain the systems but we can help make it easier on everyone. 

Even if you live alone, labels still help members of your household staff, cleaners + housekeepers, cooks, trainers, etc know where things are + where exactly to put them away.

Labels Instruct What Doesn’t Go There

This one is fairly self-explanatory but it shouldn’t be overlooked. 

A label not only tells you what goes there but it clearly articulates — what doesn’t. 

In other words, the next time someone goes to put chocolate chips in the flour canister… ok, this one is probably not going to happen but you know what does happen in your home. 

The batteries end up on the wrong shelf + thus can’t be found when they’re needed. 

The flashlight for when the power goes out gets put in the garage instead of the supply cabinet. 

Whatever the case may be in your home, we’ve all got em’, labels for organizing help ensure that we don’t put things back where they don’t go… cuz’ that only makes them even harder to find when we need em’.

Types Of Organizing Labels

Remember when I said that labels for organizing were vast + far? Well, I wasn’t joking. 

In fact, there are enough types + styles of organizing labels to make you not only overwhelmed but stop you right in your tracks.

That said, there are several go-to types of labels we use for organizing.

Label Tape

We’d be remiss if we didn’t at least mention a label maker because simply put it’s the easiest + quickest way to go about labeling. Yep, like those ones from the office supply store or Amazon. 

These are especially beneficial when the surface area you’re adhering to is very narrow (like the face of a shelf), in areas where you don’t see it often (inside of a cabinet) but we use them most often when labels are temporary (which we’ll dive into in a bit).

Adhesive Label Holders

One of the best inventions of our lifetime *wink* 

No, seriously boo! Adhesive label holders give you the polished look and feel with longevity. 

Typically, these guys are used for things like baskets, bins + the face of shelves that are visible where you want to dress the labeling up a bit.

The adhesive label holder sticks to the surface, for a surprisingly long time. Then, you print out the label slip + slide it inside. #DoneLikeAPro

What’s great about these is they give you the flexibility to just swap out the label slip + keep the label holder attached to the shelf, bin, etc.

Clip-On Label Holders

Clip-on label holders are well… exactly what they sound like “clip-on.” 

They are a great labeling solution for large + oversized baskets that get a ton of use because they not only hold onto the edge of the basket well but if they do fall off — you can reuse them.

These are often used on woven or canvas baskets where adhesive label holders are unlikely to adhere to.

Vinyl Labels

For canisters + bins, vinyl labels are great because they are typically waterproof, can handle the wear and tear of often-used items (like toys, office supplies, etc) + can be wiped clean.

What we love is the customization that comes with vinyl labels as there’s really no limit — size, color, font, etc.

Dry Erase/Chalk Markers/Paint Pens

Pens create labels too. Yep, pretty much anything you can write on can be used to create labels. 

Chalk markers + paint pens are great for blank adhesive or clip-on labels (instead of printing).

Adhesives, even a simple printed label, are a pain to take off + put back on after cleaning dishes and because refrigerated food storage like meal prepping is often changing + has an expiration date what we actually recommend is a dry eraser. 

It not only gets the job done but it’s easy to update.

Tips For Using Organizing Labels

Let’s be clear; regardless of the type of labels for organizing — there are a few basic tips for you to take into consideration, friend.

Begin With Removable Labels 

The biggest mistake people make is they don’t plan the work, then work the plan. 

And if you’ve been around here awhile then you know that’s a huge part of what we talk about when working with our organizing clients.

So, before you go out + buy a bunch of custom labels… 

First, obviously do the organizing + really live with the organizing systems you’ve set up. 

Then, as it relates to labels for organizing, make em’ temporary. 

From simple label tape with a handheld label maker to sticky notes you really want to have a good idea that the labels you’re investing in work + make sense for what you need. 


For the sake of Elegant Simplicity (pun definitely intended) *wink* you’ll want to ensure all the labels in one area are consistent in their look. 

I know it sounds so basic but it does get overlooked easily. From size to color to font it not only looks better, functions easier but it’s actually less visual clutter when all the labels look consistent. 

For Kids Use Images 

Specifically for younger children, consider using images to label along with words. It can be a great way to help them learn word/reading/spelling/image association as well as maintain organization in their areas.


Well friend, there you have it...everything you need to know about the value of organizing labels! 

And don’t forget, if you’re in the preliminary planning stages of your next project, let’s chat

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