The Incredible Power Of An Organized Environment At Home
Let’s face it...distractions are everywhere in our lives! Behind every twist + turn of life. Around every corner, there’s always something else we could be doing with our time.
Even during those extremely rare moments when there’s nothing to do — ya’ know, when no one’s calling, texting, emailing, knocking at your door, or calling your name –– we often get lost in someone else's world by simply picking up our phones. Which, for some, mindless scrolling isn’t a bad way to indulge themselves in a little “me time.”
In other moments, however, the indulgence of choosing to invest your time + energy towards the love of creating home is a waaaay more productive way to use your time. Not gonna lie!
In fact, for many of our clients, they’re working from home for the foreseeable future which is why naturally boo, living in an organized environment has never been more top of mind than it is right now.
Because when your home has a small pile of stuff (no matter how inconspicuous you think it is) that small pile will inevitably lead to the creation of more + more piles.
Stuff over here on the dining table.
Stuff over there on the kitchen counter.
Stuff shoved in drawers.
Stuff hidden behind closed doors.
Stuff on the stairs.
Stuff in your closets.
And the list goes on + on making it really difficult for you to stay focused + in the moment.
For instance, have you ever needed to get something done only to find yourself procrastinating on purpose. Like taking a few minutes in order to meditate, do yoga or enjoy a quiet cup of coffee before the kids wake up only to realize that you’re “neatening up before you begin?”
Yep, we’ve done it too. Sometimes that means you’ll procrastinate on work todo’s by cleaning your office first + then suddenly, it’s too late to get the work you needed to done. #wompwomp
But what if there were other things you’d regret not doing later because the distractions of clutter got in the way? Maybe that’s taking a break from work + your home to spend time with your kids, your partner or maybe it’s simply stepping outside for a bit to get some fresh air + enjoy the summer sunshine.
This my friend is the incredible power of living in an organized environment — it ensures that you’re present. Plus, it gives you the power to focus on the things that matter most in life.
But before we tumble too far down this rabbit hole together let’s take a look at exactly what an organized environment is all about.
Ready to dive in?
What’s An Organized Environment?
With over a decade of experience, I can confidently tell you that having an organized home, workspace, bedroom, kitchen or pantry doesn’t look the same for everyone. #Noway-José
However, that doesn’t mean it’s undefinable or even a fluid concept. Simply put, an organized environment doesn’t just mean clean or invisible clutter. And also, it doesn’t mean getting rid of + throwing everything away either.
You see, an organized environment is simply a space where everything in it has functional order. And the fantastic thing about organizing, which as an interior designer I love so much, is that organized environments are unique because it’s all about what matters most – to you!
And while there’s probably some overlapping commonalities between us, this is your home. So when it comes to creating an organized environment, it should be specific to you.
Why Does An Organized Environment Matter?
For starters, an organized home is a mirror reflection of self-worth + we know that to be true because if you didn’t love, appreciate + value your home — you certainly wouldn’t be reading this.
Which by the way *round of applause to you* for taking a step in the right direction, towards living in a more organized environment.
Furthermore, by simply acknowledging that m-a-y-b-e your home isn’t ‘exactly how you envision it or ‘where you want it to be’, that the willingness to make incremental changes in order to get there long term — well, that my friend is a testament to your value of self.
Now, I promise not to get too gushy + all sorts of philosophical over here but… Gandhi once said that,
“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”
And my love, beyond the immense value of self there are also some pretty positive mental, emotional + physical benefits that come as a result of investing in the journey of creating an organized environment for you and your family.
The Benefits Of An Organized Environment At Home
In a world full of things we cannot control, a decluttered + organized home is most certainly controllable. And the reason I’m telling you this is because simply knowing that it’s possible should give you peace of mind.
Find What You Need When You Need It
Let’s tee off the benefits of an organized environment with a simple, straightforward, homerun. When you live in an organized environment –– You’re able to find what you need at the exact moment you need it.
Now, this may in fact sound elementary but humor me for a minute + recollect the last time you were baking or cooking in the kitchen + you found yourself rummaging through the drawers looking for that one highly specialized gadget
the milk frother
that had-to-have strawberry stem remover
the clever little egg separator thingy etc.
Now answer me this...
Did you know where to go to find it?
Could you have directed someone else to get it?
Would they have been able to know not only where it was but where to put it back when they were done using it?
That’s the simple promise of an organized environment at home.
Whether you’re covered in flour + up to your elbows kneading dough or things are sizzling hot + fast on the stove, you’ll know exactly where to find –– what you need –– when you need it –– in the moment.
A Clutter-Free Space Definitely Means A Clear Mind
In a study conducted by Princeton Neuroscience Institute, it states that simply having too many things in your view makes all those things compete for attention in your brain. So yes, a clear space free of clutter means that your mind will be focused on what you want it to be.
Reduced Stress
What’s crazy is that the same study from Princeton Neuroscience Institute found that not only does your productivity increase when clutter doesn’t exist but there was a direct correlation between the little stuff laying around on surfaces + in corners with the amount of stress a person emotionally felt.
Pride In Defining What Is Important To You
Certainly, decluttering makes you feel a sense of accomplishment. But by defining what is important to you — you also gain a huge sense of pride in your home. You’re asking yourself, what from your past do you want to hold onto + display? What do you value, right now, that should help drive your decision-making on what to keep + what to get rid of? Who do you hope to become in the future + how does all this stuff you have help you get there?
Make Decisions About Consumption From A Place Of Purpose
We all consume. Even minimalists. The question isn’t entirely how much we buy or use something. It’s about why what we buy or use makes so much sense for us. Living in an organized environment is about making room in your home for stuff that represents your values + inspires you to be the best version of yourself.
You Won’t Waste Money
Have you ever purchased a plane ticket + not used it? Not the kind where you can get your money back but I mean — you didn’t use it. It’s gone. How did it feel? If not, how do you think it would feel?
Probably, I’d imagine, not all that great. A couple hundred bucks out the door + nothing to show for it. It’s gut-wrenchingly awful, right?
When we waste money it makes us feel a sense of guilt. And that’s because when you purchase something + then never use it… it’s not only a waste but it’s not who we are, at our core.
In a lot of ways, it can feel even a bit of disrespectful for ourselves. You work hard and then suddenly, to find yourself overwhelmed by the stuff, it can really eat away at you.
But the reality is you don’t stand at the register and say, “I’m going to buy this but don’t worry I’ll never, ever, use it + plan to store it in the back of my closet, where it’ll collect an inch of dust; Because it’s contributing to my goal of creating a cluttered home.”
So living in an organized home not only saves you from the guilt you feel but it literally saves you money. Because living in an organized home is continuous — it’s constantly checking in with yourself to make sure you’re still making decisions from a place of purpose.
Tips For Creating An Organized Environment On Your Own
There are two beginning tips, we always advise for any organizing adventure. The first is...
Plan Your Work — Work Your Plan
Map it out. How are you going to work through your home to create an organized environment? The reality is without a plan, you have nothing to work on. You have no direction. And you’ll simply meander from one thing to the next… like scrolling on your phone.
Know Your Why
With a plan, all you need next is to understand at the core — why having an organized environment at home is important to you. This is your motivator.
It’s the thing that makes you get up + go to the gym or choose a salad over pasta *wink*
It’s what pushes you to excel at your goals + it’s so incredibly important to know because creating an organized home isn’t once + done. And it’s not set-it + forget-it.
At minimum, to create the home you envision it’s going to take time, energy + effort but when you’re clear on “why” you want something it’s easy to stay committed because it’s constantly reinforcing that you’re moving close to, not further away, from your goal of achieving this.
BONUS: An Organized Environment Frees You From Wasted Time
This is one of my favorite things about having an organized environment to call home.
We often lose track of time because we don’t usually count time unless we’re focused on being efficient with it. However, there’s this thing called Q.T.L. and it’s part of what I hope our organizing team leaves behind for each of our organizing clients.
You see, Q.T.L. stands for Quality. Time. Left.
And because my friend, time is something that’s ever-fleeting. It's the one thing we all want more of yet we can’t ever get it back. And because –– no matter how hard we try — the time we have today with the people present in our life won’t be guaranteed tomorrow.
Sadly, what we often see people doing is wasting time “tidying up real quick” or “speed cleaning” only to be disappointed again in a few days, weeks or mere moments instead of really taking the time now to lay a strong foundation for creating the home you want to live in.
The plan is everything because we really don’t have time to waste when we’ve all got a predetermined amount of Q.T.L.
When you have an organized environment at home, whether that’s to work or play in, you are a heck of a lot more likely to take a productive step towards completing the things you need to get done or to indulge yourself in a moment with your family.
And that my friend is the incredible power of an organized environment at home. It’s a place you can really live knowing that everything has a place + everythings in its place.
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You can also check out our amazing FREE resource library + if you’re looking to start your home management organizing journey, book a FREE 30min. Clarity Call and… let’s chat!