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Stress-Free Routines for a More Organized Morning: A Guide for Parents of Kids of All Ages

When you’re in the thick of a chaotic morning moment, morning routines and rituals may be the last things on your mind. It’s normal for weekday mornings to feel like a scene out of “Home Alone” *wink* as you struggle to make breakfast, pack lunches, retrieve bookbags, get dressed + shuffle everyone off to school.

It’s enough to make even the most seasoned parent forget to swap out their PJs for daytime attire.

And while dropping off your kids at school in fuzzy slippers might make for amusing morning banter in the drop-off line, it may not be the look you’re going for when you’re on the way to the office *wink* … amiright?!

In between sticky toaster waffles on the floor and mismatched socks, there’s an opportunity to slow down, connect + calm everyone’s nerves. By establishing consistent morning routines, you can change the tone of the day despite the hurried pace.

These are the kinds of morning routines for school that we love at Elegant Simplicity Interiors. A little organization, preparation + clarity in communication can go a long way toward curating stress-free mornings. Most importantly, getting in the groove with morning routines can help you feel more connected with each other.

So grab that cup of coffee, and get ready to tackle mornings #LikeABoss. 

The Power of the Mundane: Why Morning Routines Matter

As it turns out, there’s tremendous power in predictability, even in the most seemingly boring tasks *wink*! Check out some of the benefits of morning routines and rituals below.

Self-Regulation Skills

Research shows that morning routines form the building blocks of kids’ social and emotional development, supporting mental health from a young age. A huge part of that development is learning to self-regulate — to identify and manage big feelings without becoming overwhelmed. 

With self-regulation comes the ability to stay flexible, even when life gets demanding. So when a glass of milk spills on the table or a favorite shirt is in the wash, kids are better able to respond calmly. And the longer you and your family engage in morning routines, the stronger those self-regulation skills will grow … just like working out a muscle *wink*!

At the same time, kids build confidence, independence, time-management skills, and a sense of shared responsibility with morning routines for school. Think of it this way: You know how when you go to someone’s house for dinner, you feel more at ease when you have a job to do, like chopping onions or setting the table? It’s like that at home, too! Delegating tasks and setting clear expectations makes everyone feel involved + equally responsible for getting out the door.

Better Focus and Productivity

Leaving home with shoes tied, shirts tucked, homework organized, and permission slips signed sets kids up for productive days at school. You wouldn’t show up for a work meeting any other way *wink*, so it makes sense that kids ought to arrive at school ready to go!

Starting the day in a calm, structured way also promotes a range of other skills. It’s the reason young children often attend circle time when they first get to school, for example; these kinds of focused morning routines promote social and emotional development, oral language skills, attention spans + listening skills. 

Reduced Stress for Parents

It isn’t just kiddos who can benefit from well-planned morning routines. When kids know what’s expected of them in the morning, they can go about age-appropriate responsibilities without confusion.

Meanwhile, because parents can rely on their kids to get ready for the day, they can spend less time micromanaging and more time getting themselves ready, too. The end result? Everyone leaves home feeling calmer and more positive. In turn, you’re all more likely to share that positivity with friends, strangers, colleagues, teachers, or coaches. It’s a win for everyone *wink*!

Steps To Craft the Perfect Morning Routine

Okay, friend, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get into the details. Follow these steps to create morning routines + rituals that leave everyone feeling cool, calm + collected.

Get the Kids Involved

Morning routines are more fun when everyone has a say. Start by listing all the things that need to be done every morning, from rising and making beds to buckling seatbelts in the car. Consider every detail, from wake-up times and favorite breakfasts to everyday tasks like getting dressed and brushing teeth. Then, you can start dividing tasks between kids and adults, involving them in the process along the way. 

Now, don’t task your 2-year-old with making PB&J sandwiches … unless you don’t mind your lunches turning into sensory play materials *wink*! Rather, make sure each job fits each child’s age, personality, and preferences as you design beautiful morning routines that suit everyone’s skill set. 

Create a Visual Schedule

A visual schedule outlining the morning routine steps can help children quickly identify their jobs, what’s done, and what’s left to do. 

Use a chalkboard, whiteboard, or magnetic board to create a task chart with jobs at the top and names on the left — using words for older kids and pictures with words for young learners. As they finish jobs, kids can mark them off with a checkmark, a magnet, or any kind of visual marker they’ll understand.

Prime Your Environment

Prep the night before, and your mornings will feel like a breeze, friend. We call this concept priming your environment, where you tap into the power of an organized home. 

When you take the time to lay out clothes, pack lunches, organize backpacks, and even fill the car with gas, you eliminate the chaos that comes with disorganized mornings. You’re able to stay present and focus on the things that matter most as you get ready … well, as much as possible anyway *wink*!

Establish a Calm Morning Ritual

Getting ready isn’t just about slinging bowls of cereal and tying shoelaces. Morning rituals are the stuff that memories are made of, and they’re what make mornings a sacred time.

The simple act of reading a few pages of a book, listening to music, walking the dog, or taking a moment to breathe together can get everyone aligned and ready for a smooth day ahead. These morning rituals make your family unique and speak to your core values as a family unit. They also help children cope with daily stressors, reminding them that no matter how much homework they have, they can always count on a silly song on the way to school. 

Additional Tips for Smooth Mornings

You got this, bestie. Your mornings are about to get uber-organized, more joyful, and easier to manage for everyone. Follow these last few quick tips for smooth sailing.

Establish Drop Zones

Create a place for everything, and everything will fall into place. Designating a drop zone for backpacks, shoes, jackets, and other daily essentials, such as by the front door, ensures nothing gets lost in the shuffle. You’ll also get on your way more quickly in the morning.

Set Up Breakfast Prep Stations

There’s no need to whip up gourmet meals every morning. Save time by pre-portioning grab-and-go breakfast options such as hard-boiled eggs, protein or granola bars, and fruit.

Use Positive Reinforcement

It’s time to party! Celebrate the wins, big and small, as everyone gets used to the new morning routine. Try positive reinforcement strategies like a sticker chart to track activities and a reward jar for completing daily and weekly tasks.

Make Disorganized Mornings a Thing of the Past

Once you start incorporating morning routines and rituals, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without them. Remember, the goal is not perfection (it doesn’t exist, especially in a house with toddlers *wink*). The objective is to pull your family together in ways that let everyone take control over how their days transpire. 

Whether your kids are barely walking or running off to high school classes, you can work side-by-side to create a happy, healthy, more connected home.

If you have any helpful hints that have made your mornings less stressful, we’d love to hear 'em in the comments! You can also head over to our social media pages to join in our conversations about creating a harmonious, organized home.

With that, we’ve got some prep to do for tomorrow … what about you *wink*? 

Thanks for tuning in today! :)

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P.S. If this article inspired you, be sure to check out the 4 Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home.