The Fun + The Challenge Of Design For Kid Spaces

Kid spaces designed by Elegant Simplicity a Seattle based interior design firm.

Kid spaces are the perfect place for playing superheroes, building villages with magnetic tiles or playing imagination games. But, being a parent is, sometimes, tough though. 

The moment you think you know exactly what your kids want you realize, “that was so yesterday.” As you’re whisked off into an imaginary world of fighting bad guys + racing race cars.

And for that very reason, designing kid spaces in your home brings about a unique set of challenges. You see, regardless of age, there’s a delicate art that goes into balancing their fun loving whimsical playfulness with functional furniture pieces that they can grow with over the long haul.

Whether they’re still a little tyke or navigating their teenage years, what you ultimately want is an amazing room for them to call their own. A space that reflects their personality, who they are + all of the crazy things they like. 

But  as a parent, identifying just how to design a kids room can feel more like a whirlwind than fun. And yet… the good news is it’s possible.

So let’s dive into a couple of our go to tips… shall we?

Designs for kid spaces by Bellevue interior design firm, Elegant Simplicity and interior designer Sherri Monte.

Kid Spaces Are Typically Multifunctional

Personalities, tastes + styles all differ quite a bit but one thing that’s extremely common for many kid spaces is they serve multiple functions in our homes. 

Sometimes they’re a bedroom and a playroom + other times kids spaces look more like a playroom that doubles as a study or a place to hang out with friends. 

When you’re considering exactly how you want the kid spaces in your home to look + feel it’s really important to have clarity on what role the kid spaces that are being designed have in the larger perspective of your home. 

Function Before Aesthetic

Which is why… function always comes before aesthetic. Because you need to establish a clear primary function for the room along with secondary and tertiary activity zones.

Maybe this is a kids bedroom where they’ll obviously sleep (unless your little one still sneaks into bed with mom + dad each night). #LuckyUs 


  • Will this kid's bedroom also need a desk or table for doing homework? Or will your kids be doing their homework in the kitchen while perhaps you cook dinner? 

  • Will they need storage places for all of their stuff or will some toys be stored in a playroom?

  • Will the kid spaces being designed be for just one kiddo or multiple kids?

While we’re all about layering in playful or whimsical accents into the space when designing kid spaces — the list of functional considerations is where it all begins.

When an interior designer at Elegant Simplicity, a Seattle interior design firm in designs a kids room, our goal is to ensure there’s enough room to grow into these kid spaces.

Kid Spaces Should Have Room To Grow

Beyond functional activity zones, when designing a kids space we want to make design decisions that reflect their personalities while also finding staple furniture pieces that will transition well over time.

Because as some of you probably already know… they grow up wayyyyyy too fast. It wasn’t but a handful of months ago that I was still able to carry Brooks up to bed. But now, he’s too heavy so that duty has been delegated solely to John.

But it’s not only that they grow up quickly. 

It’s that with their growth comes a lot of changes. No, I’m not talking about only their shoe size *wink* What I’m referring to is changes in their personality, their favorite games to play, shows to watch, colors to write with + a las... what they need to store. 

Which means that if we’re trying to design around what they like “right now in this moment” then simply put: because it’s likely what they want right now will change again very soon, we’ll never stop designing!

And if you’ve ever tried picking out a Halloween costume a few months ahead of time… then you know exactly the pain I’m talking about *wink*

So, what’s the design solution for kid spaces that creates a swoon worthy room and is practical?

Make the essential furniture for the kid spaces, the significant investment.

Making those staple pieces versatile enough that as your kiddo grows you have a strong foundation of furniture to continue building around + don’t have to replace like ya change their underwear. 

This will ensure you won't have to overhaul everything as your kids get older but will give you the flexibility to introduce new personality pieces of the moment for an instant refresh.

The pieces that we recommend stay in place over time (and are worth the investment up front) is furniture like beds, dressers, nightstands, chairs or seating + lighting. 

For instance: 

  • When designing a nursery, consider a dresser with enough room to add a changing table on top instead of a dedicated changing table. The dresser will last… the changing, thankfully wont *wink*.

  • When selecting seating for a kids room — consider investing in seating that can transition with you through life's stages. A soft rocker or swivel chair nestled in a corner not only is perfect now while they're an infant but also in a short few months when you’ll be reading them a story before bed. 

If each of these furniture pieces are versatile as well as a bit more mature in style then you can rest assured that you have good bones to their room that can transition with their personalities regardless of their age.

Adding Playful Personality That’s Not Overly Juvenile

Look, I do get that kids are only young once + that there’s a moment in time for creating kid spaces that are every bit of unexpected magical wonderlands. So, don’t take this next bit of advice as too off base :) because if that’s the route we’re headed… let’s not hold back.

However, typically what we know from over a decade of experience is kid spaces change more than any other room in your home. And so, generally speaking (but not always), that means clients want a really solid foundation that can grow + evolve with their kids over time.

For a couple of reasons, layering in a dose of playful personality in this way is key. 

First, it indulges kids in what they like. 

Regardless of their age, kid spaces should feel immersive like an extension of who they are!

There are literally tons of great ideas for incorporating kids personality + interests that makes it feel special for them.

  • From bedding + pillows 

  • Whimsical artwork that gives the room a playful energy

  • When it comes to toys and books… think about which ones you place in closed storage vs. those you leave out on display. 

  • A pinboard that gives them a dedicated place for swapping out mementos, pictures + things they are proud of.

Whatever it is, kid spaces really come to life when we take the time to consider what they’re actually into + how to best incorporate that into their space. 


Second, it’s relatively easy-to-change over time.

From a practical side of things… we haven’t committed to thousands of dollars of wallcoverings or labor with lets say, trains on it, only for them to move on from trains overnight + into dinosaurs. #WompWomp

But, when we’re ready for a refresh to the kid spaces — a new theme that’s more relevant to who they are is manageable.

Kid spaces in a vacation home designed by Elegant Simplicity + Sherri Monte, a Bellevue based interior designer.

Involve Kids In Designing Their Space

Whenever we’re designing kid spaces we’re committed to creating continuity throughout your entire home and the kid areas are no exception. However, we also know that it can be a really fun adventure for kids in designing their own space. 

So, whether you’re working with us or alone (psst… you should totally work with us *wink*) keep it front of mind to involve them at specific stages of the design process. 

Gathering their thoughts + input ahead of time, before the design work begins, affords them the opportunity to throw out ideas maybe no one was considering. And then another opportunity for them to be a part is after the design has been relatively selected… just to gain their childlike wisdom or teenage opinion :)

This is two-fold: 

First, you get their input which we’ve already talked about but second, more importantly, you give them a sense of ownership + responsibility for not only being a part of the design of their space but in taking care of it. 

You see, home is important to you + it’s something that whether you’re thinking about it or not you probably want to pass onto your kids. You work hard + you take care of and tend to your achievements.

Involving them furthers this lesson. And that’s an amazing experience for them!

Well friend, there you have it...everything you need to know about kid spaces! And don’t forget, if you’re in the preliminary planning stages of your next project, let’s chat

P.S. If you loved this article then you’re going to really enjoy the4 Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home.