Interior Design in Seattle & Bellevue | Elegant Simplicity

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How To Choose The Perfect Dining Room Rug

Choosing a dining room rug isn’t easy because there are so many factors to be considered. From figuring out the best size, shape, material, color, pattern,  texture + pile length, or your rug... yes, it can all feel a tad bit overwhelming. 

For obvious reasons, you want something that’s both practical + functional so that you don’t have to worry about your kids, pets, or guests accidentally ruining it when they accidentally spill something, or dinner falls off the plate or god forbid red wine sloshes over the edge of their glass. 

When it’s all said + done... 

The last few months have given us the chance to re-evaluate our relationship with the everyday objects that fill our homes.

And at Elegant Simplicity, we tend to look at area rugs less like carpet underfoot + more like a fifth wall. Huh?! For instance, when it comes to your dining room, what you need is an area rug that wears well, is easy to clean PLUS it needs to anchor the furnishing + stylistically tie everything in the room together which unfortunately boo,  makes this scavenger hunt for the perfect rug all the more challenging + complex *sigh!* 

Fast forward this story a bit + at last, you find the perfect rug. You absolutely love it. It works with everything else you have going on + is the exact look you’re going for. And then you realize…

Womp. Womp. It’s the wrong size! 

I’m not kidding when I tell you that this insanely frustrating song + dance can go on for days, if not weeks or even months, as you try to narrow in on the perfect rug. You spend hours of wasted time, lots of energy invested + that dear ol’ husband of yours can’t believe you still haven’t found one.

Knowing this problem first-hand + having heard your languishing pain — let’s talk about how we go about choosing the perfect dining room rug for our Seattle interior design clients. Shall we?

Functional Benefits Of Dining Room Rug

At Elegant Simplicity, pretty is second to functional — in everything we do we’re constantly thinking about how the overall design of a home impacts those who live there. And while not obvious, that silly ol’ dining room rug has a couple of fairly large functional benefits beyond simply adding a little sass to the room :)

First, if you have hardwood floors (they’re an investment) a rug in your dining room will help protect them. Not only will a rug break the fall of your toddler who’s running laps around the dining room table (or a glass of milk that’s spilling over the edge *wink*) but it also protects those beautiful hardwood floors of yours from the constant scuffing as everyone in your family sits down to eat + after wiggling around a bit, scoots their chairs a little bit closer.

Another benefit of having a dining room with a rug, especially in homes with open concept floor plans where sound can often be an issue, is that rugs dampen sound –– surprisingly well.

Dining Room Rug Size

Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, let's tackle dining room rug size first because *welp* it’s kind of a big deal! More importantly, you can’t really start looking for that oh so fabulous rug unless you know exactly what size rug will best fit your space.

When deciding on the overall size of your rug, you want to consider all the other furnishings in the room. Certainly, the dining room table is a fairly obvious start, but look around… are there any sideboards or bar carts that could be impacted by the rug size?

While you’re taking into account the length + width of the table as it relates to the furniture around it, now imagine someone sitting at the table. Ideally, when someone is sitting in a dining chair, you want there to be enough room behind them to ensure that the chair isn’t falling off the edge of your rug. 

Psst, want me to let you in on a little interior design trade secret

with the chair pulled out (enough to mimic someone sitting there) you want 10-14” of space behind the leg of the dining chair :) And, if you’re in the process of buying a new dining room table too — take the size of your table, add 30” from every end + et voila! Now you know the perfect dining room rug size!

Something else that needs to be considered when thinking about your dining room rug size is whether or not your table has leaves that came with it + do you plan on using them? If so, how often? And what does the dining room look like with the size rug you’re narrowing in on, during these times of celebration?

While I know this can be an imperfect science based upon room shape + the dining table you have — as a general rule of thumb, know that it’s better to err on the side of too large rather than too small. After all, a rug that’s too small can quickly become a major safety hazard for your family.

Dining Room Rug Shape

If you’re in search of the fail-proof formula for selecting a dining room rug but you’re unsure of what shape to go with... 

Matching Table + Rug Combinations

Consider mirroring the rug with the shape of your table. For instance:

  • Round table? Round rug. 

  • Square table? Square rug. 

  • Long rectangular table? Rectangular rug. 

Why? Because a larger rug laid beneath a dining table that matches the same shape of the rug frames the table + creates a border which gives the room an aesthetically pleasing + cohesive look.

Opposite Table + Rug Combinations

But let’s assume when it comes to your home + making decisions, you’re not extremely risk-averse + you’re wanting to inject a little design contrast into the table + rug marriage. 

  • Round table? Square rug. 

  • Square table? Rectangle rug. 

  • Rectangular table? Organic shape. 

Ain’t that fancy, sis? But wait… there’s more. 

Room Shape + Rug Combinations

What we’ve talked about so far is matching or creating a contrast between the rug shape + the table. But, another design idea is to consider matching (or contrasting) the shape of the rug with the shape of the room.

  • Square dining room? Try a square or round dining rug.

  • Rectangular dining room? Try a rectangular or oval rug.

Even if you have an open floor plan, considering the shape of your table + rug creates visual order to your home that not only looks beautiful but feels intuitive.

Dining Room Rug Material

While landing on a rug material isn’t the sexiest of conversations, I’ll be the first to raise my hand + go on record saying, there are a lot of rug materials out there to choose from. To name a few: wool, sisal, jute, seagrass, nylon, and polypropylene are all great options when it comes to dining room rugs because of their long-lasting + durable qualities. 

And as you know, we’re lovers of wool, natural fibers + other sustainable materials like sisal, jute, and seagrass however synthetic rugs like polypropylene also have a seat at our table because, well, life happens –– especially with young kids or pets –– making them a great solution because not only are they fading resistant when it comes to the sun but they’re extremely easy to clean. 

Another trade-secret tip from your favorite interior designer, here in Seattle

stay away from plush high-pile rugs in your dining room. Not only are they difficult to clean as they trap crumbs but the legs of chairs often get stuck on them as you’re pulling the chair in or out.

What You Need To Know About Color When It Comes To Dining Room Rugs

If you’re struggling to imagine what to do when it comes to your dining room, sometimes it can be helpful to think in terms of the overall color scheme + mood you want the space to have. What emotions will the space evoke? How do you want people to feel when they walk into the room? Armed with this bit of knowledge, you can start to incorporate colors right from the beginning by intentionally introducing them into your dining room rug.

When it comes to creating a sense of continuity,  we always start by choosing the rug under your dining room table first. In our decade of experience as Seattle’s top interior design firm, it helps tie everything together in the space. 

So, what colors should you choose when it comes to your dining room rug? 

Well, at Elegant Simplicity we believe there are no rules, only guidelines. That said, lighter hues are going to make hiding just about anything more challenging — so if it’s a lighter rug you have your heart set on, be mindful about choosing easy to clean materials. Otherwise, lean into a color that can hide those occasional whoopsies, well.

What You Need To Know About Pattern When It Comes To Dining Room Rugs

When it comes to a pattern in your rug, don’t limit yourself. The pattern is not only a great way to hide accidental spills but it creates visual movement that adds a layer of energy to the room. We’re longtime lovers of vintage rugs with a modern feel because of their timeless beauty + the level of depth it adds to a room.

Not to mention (and from a logistical standpoint) patterns in a dining room rug can distract the eye from noticing asymmetrical imperfections  such as a dining room table + a rug that aren’t perfectly on center *wink!*

What You Need To Know About Texture When It Comes To Dining Room Rugs

The texture of a rug is one of the most important factors we consider when deciding the perfect rug for clients' homes because ultimately boo, a rug can look great but if it’s uncomfortable underfoot then it’s not going to be a rug you enjoy. And if you don’t enjoy it, why have it?

We’ve talked a lot about rug materials but now let’s talk about how they feel.

Wool rugs? Soft, stain resistant + extremely durable. Highly recommended for kids, dogs + those late-night girls parties with lots of laughter, plenty of finger foods + the occasional (and completely unintentional) glass of red wine that sloshed on the floor.

Natural rugs like sisal or jute? Sure, sisal is far more durable but it tends to be a bit rougher underfoot. Jute, on the other hand, is considerably softer but not necessarily quite as durable.

Polypropylene? All around great. And give the advancement in technologies, it’s a synthetic material that’s made to last + feels great to touch.

Why You Need A Rug Pad For Your Dining Room Rug

A rug pad is a big deal. In fact, it’s non-negotiable in our book because –– great design takes time, energy, and money to create. And regardless of how much you spend on your dining room rug, you want it to last. Here to stay, a rug pad keeps the rug from slipping, wrinkling, or moving in general across the room. No matter how you slice it, its a safety issue (plus we want to protect your investment.)

Another Bonus: rug pads makes it super easy to clean + protects the floor hiding beneath your rug. #WinWinWin

Phew! I’m not gonna lie — there’s definitely a lot to be considered when trying to figure out how to choose the perfect dining room rug for your home. Although it can seem overwhelming, it can also be a lot of fun. When you look at your home as being a place you never w-a-n-t to leave it changes + improves the way you make decisions. Changing the narrative from “I need something quick, fast and cheap” to “I only want to do this once, which means it needs to be done right + made to last.” Embrace our philosophy of ‘less but better’ + lean into creating a home that feels like the ultimate guilty pleasure.

If you love this, get ready to do another happy dance for our FREE Video Course: 4 Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home. And, if you’re wanting to dive even deeper into the world of interior design ––  let’s chat.

Go on, book a one-on-one FREE 30-minute Clarity Call with us + get ready for some magic, sister!