3 Things An Interior Designer Considers When Designing A Bathroom Vanity

A bathroom vanity designed by Seattle, Washington based interior designer Sherri Monte of Elegant Simplicity.

From master suites to guest baths + powder rooms, at Elegant Simplicity, we have designed A LOT of bathroom vanities over the years. 

The bathroom is often one of the most private areas in your home and what many of our clients desire from their bathrooms is a functional yet calm space where they can relax as they prepare + unwind from their days.

And yet it’s not merely just the bathroom vanity that sends you down the design blackhole of uncertainty + overwhelm. It’s the domino effect from this decision to the next that causes unnerving when making final decisions.

But… that’s why we’re here *wink* 

So let’s dive in cuz there’s a few things as an interior design firm, we consider (at the top of the list) when designing a bathroom vanity.

Bellevue, Washington interior design firm, Elegant Simplicity, believes that functionality is foundational to living in your home without friction and designing a bathroom vanity is no different.

Bathroom Vanity Functionality

We’re BIG believers that functionality precedes aesthetics. Now, we’re not wavering on your bathroom vanity being stunning boo BUT everyday functionality is beautiful :)

And the best way to really consider what will make your new bathroom vanity functional is to assess. 

  • Will this be a vanity that is used daily or less frequently?

  • Who will use this vanity — you (or someone else)?

  • What types of things will you need accessible to you at this specific bathroom vanity?

Taking the time to consider the real functionality of the space by asking yourself (or others questions), is integral to our belief in designing a bathroom vanity that is both beautiful + functional.

This is certainly an easy step for remodels but for some of our custom new construction clients, they struggle with this because they haven’t ever used THIS bathroom vanity — after all it isn’t built yet. 

But the questions still apply — how are you (or someone else) currently using the master bathroom vanity? The guest bath vanity? The powder bath vanity? 

What types of things will be needed by you (or others) to make that bathroom vanity optimal.

Functionality is foundational to living in your home without friction.

Single Bathroom Vanity vs. Double Bathroom Vanity

Once we’ve thought through + assessed the functionality of the bathroom vanity for our clients — we know whether they need a single single or double vanity based on several things.

No shocker here — the number of people who need to use the bathroom vanity can impact whether it makes sense for a single or double vanity. However, the frequency of how often + timing of use is also really important.

For some of our clients, a single vanity in the master suite is what they prefer because they don’t routinely get ready together + they’d like to maximize the shower space or closet. 

While in other instances, not only is a double vanity necessary but separating the double sinks by way of adding more drawer storage or cabinet space is also needed.

And of course, space is a determining factor as to whether a single or double vanity is accomplishable.

A stained bathroom vanity designed by Interior Design Firm, Elegant Simplicity, in Seattle, Washington.

Custom Bathroom Vanity vs. Pre-Built Bathroom Vanity

When it comes to bathroom vanities there are a few options — keep the existing vanity + paint it, select a pre-built vanity or design a completely custom built vanity. 


A pre-built bathroom vanity is exactly what it sounds like — it’s built in a standard vanity size 

+ has predetermined material, cabinet dimensions, drawer sizes as well as a finished paint or stain color.

There’s not typically any customization that can be made to a pre-built bathroom vanity + therefore because our focus is on maximizing functionality for you — we nearly always design custom built bathroom vanities. 


A custom bathroom vanity is built specifically to fit the space you have. 

From paint or stain colors + finishes to the type of material used, the number of cabinets, width of drawers + any luxury amenities (which we’ll get to below) there’s nearly limitless possibilities for what our design team dreams up *wink*

While there are more variables that go into custom vanities (size, configuration, finish, material, etc) because they are built around you — they offer a frictionless experience for everyday living.

Luxury Amenities To Elevate Your Bathroom Vanity

When it comes to luxury accessories for bathroom vanity we like to think of them as amenities that make life easier + more enjoyable. 

Integrated Lighting

Whether you’re opening a drawer or cabinet to pull out your makeup or you’re soaking in a bath + you want some ambient toe-kick lighting integrated light is one elevated experience that we’re often asked to incorporate into bathroom vanities

While certainly a luxury, it provides a subtle yet significant impact to the emotionality + mood of your bathroom.

Integrated Electrical Outlets

Remember how we said — functionality precedes aesthetic? Welp friend, integrated electrical outlets in drawers + cabinets is one area where the two converge. 

When you take time to ensure that there’s a place for everything — hair dryer, curling iron, flat iron, electric toothbrushes, electric razors, etc — you can also achieve a higher level of functionality by ensuring there’s enough outlet space for all your bathroom needs.

Painted Bathroom Vanity vs. Stained Bathroom Vanity

In terms of the finish, there are two of main aesthetic choices to consider for your bathroom vanity: painting or staining. Determining what yours should be is a conundrum we’re all too familiar with.

And for us at Elegant Simplicity, we’re focused on the emotionality of a space. 

So, how we decide whether to paint or stain the bathroom vanity is leaning into + furthering the way you want to feel in the space. 

Is that calm + relaxed or a bit moody? 

What else aesthetically is going on around it? Are the faucets counter-mounted or wall-mounted? What type of light fixture is above it? How about the shower tile, the tub + even the water closet?

Both painting or staining can likely achieve that emotional place you desire when you're in the bathroom but specifically for your bathroom which it will be.

Pro vs. Cons List For Painted or Stained Bathroom Vanity

  • PRO — PAINTING: Provides a flawless finish by hiding the imperfections in the material used. 

  • PRO — PAINTING: Painting the vanity can be an added pop of color (accentuating that mood).

  • CONS — PAINTING: Painting will hide all of the character of the wood.

  • CONS — PAINTING: Painted vanity’s are more difficult to touch-up when accidents happen as the cabinets are sprayed.

  • PRO — STAINING: Showcases the natural beauty + texture of wood.

  • PRO — STAINING: Touch-ups are a lot easier to hide because even if there isn’t an exact match there’s a natural imperfection to wood.

  • CONS — STAINING: Because wood is imperfect, staining shows the blemishes + flaws of the wood.

  • CONS — STAINING: Staining provides less color choice as less stains are available but also more variables in the finished look.

The Pros and Cons of Painted vs. Stained Cabinets

Opened Storage vs. Closed Storage

By now you know — functionality is paramount right friend!

Determining whether open or closed storage or a combination of the two is needed truly comes down to function. And how can anyone determine functionality for you without spending the time to get to know you?!?!

Open Storage Bathroom Vanity

Open storage vanities are typically great for towels or baskets as they offer the ability to simply reach + grab the things you need. While the downside of open storage is that well, you need a professional organizer to keep them looking good *wink*

Truthfully, open storage keeps things front of mind + we all have different organizing brains.

Closed Storage Bathroom Vanity

The benefits of closed storage are that things are always tucked behind a door. And ya know what, even as a luxury interior design + professional organizing firm we know that… life happens.

Cabinets get disorganized + drawers can get out of order. For some clients, it’s nice to have the reassurance that if that’s the case — things can still feel the way they were designed to until we can get those cabinets + drawers back in order.

That’s my rift for today, thanks for tuning in :)

Don’t forget, if you’re in the preliminary planning stages of your next project, let’s chat

P.S. If you loved this article then you’re going to really enjoy the 4 Days To A More Beautiful + Functional Home.