Simple Steps: How To Organize A Closet You’ll Truly Adore

What typically happens for most people is they get so set on their goals of an organized closet but they have the wrong mindset for accomplishing it. They’re solely focused on the outcome of those goals. In other words, they're motivated by “getting it done” so it “looks a certain way,” not necessarily taking the time to organize it correctly. And this mindset fails. And it fails for one very obvious reason… So, let’s dive in + look at why and how to organize a closet you’ll truly adore, shall we?!?!

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Why As Interior Designers — We Love Quartz Countertops

Whether it's for a kitchen, bathroom, walk-in pantry or bar area there are countless options to choose from when it comes to selecting the right quartz countertops for your home. As a luxury interior design + professional organizing firm, we know that along with choice, especially countless choices, comes uncertainty + overwhelm. And yet it’s not merely selecting the right quartz countertops — the domino effect from this decision to the next is real. After all, you want a home that feels like an ultimate guilty pleasure. A home that has continuity throughout the space.

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Minimalist Styling

In recent years, minimalism has been the craze. And as a luxury interior design + professional organizing firm, we’ve talked about how + why we know Perfect Minimalism Is An Illusion. That said, at our core, we’re believers that Home Is Everything You Need + Nothing More.™ So, it might be difficult to find anything more true to us than minimalist styling. Let’s dive in + take a look at what minimalist styling is, what it is not + some of the profound benefits it can have on your home :)

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How A Professional Organizer Selects Storage Containers For Your Home

One of our most asked about questions from the loyal Elegant Simplicity tribe is how do you curate + select storage containers? And we know there are a lot of choices to sift through. We also know that it’s v-e-r-y easy, dare I say daunting + overwhelming, in trying to select the right storage containers for your home.

But that’s about to change friend, so let’s dive in + start learning, shall we?

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An Interior Designers Guide To Styling Coffee Tables

We know adding this layer of personality to the coffee tables in your home can be overwhelming + that’s exactly why, styling coffee tables is at the top of our list when designing homes for our clients. At the styling point, we’ve labored over activity zones, functional layouts, custom features and swoon worthy furniture for the spaces we’re designing. Now, we take all those beautiful design decisions we’ve made + create continuity throughout the space by layering in warm touches of your personality. So, let’s talk specifically all about styling coffee tables, shall we?

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Styling Throw Pillows In Your Home

Throw pillows are to your home what jewelry is to your outfit. They can really gussy things up in a formal way, be a focal point, or even add pops of color to an otherwise neutral space. And as experts in interior design, we’re breaking down styling throw pillows in your home because when it comes to design, peace of mind in knowing it was done right is the ultimate luxury.

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Closet Organizing Systems

The truth is, the impact of having closet organizing systems in your home is invaluable to making your home feel frictionless. Having worked with hundreds of design + organizing clients (near + far), whether it’s a custom home our design team is working on for you or an existing home that we’re organizing, we’ve got a lot of insight into what makes a great closet organizing system.

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Selecting The Perfect Light Bulbs

Though not a glamorous aspect of interior design, selecting the perfect light bulbs is actually relatively important. And there are a lot of decisions to consider around light bulbs; heck there’s SO many options + industry specific jargon that it can almost feel dare I say overwhelming to try + determine what’s the right bulb for your light fixture or room in your home.

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