Organizing Keepsakes For Display

No matter how you slice it — our lives revolve around stuff. And for a lot of us, we either stick that stuff up in the attic, out in the garage, in a filing cabinet in our office or high up on a shelf where it collects a thick layer of dust.

Especially, when you don’t know where to begin organizing keepsakes, how to ensure you’re not getting rid of things you’ll regret later on… well, time-consuming. With over a decade of experience helping clients design + organize their homes — let’s dive into several keepsakes that could be displayed or stored in your home.

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Christmas Storage Considerations You’Ll Love

Are you ready, for a comprehensive guide to Christmas storage? Packing up all of your holiday stuff isn’t the most fun. It is, however, imperative for you to do so with the utmost love + care that your Christmas decorations deserve.

After all, if you do it the right way you’ll not only avoid the upside-down frown + disappointment of opening up boxes only to find broken shards of decorations but instead, you’re able to enjoy (most if not all) of your holiday decorations for many years to come.

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How To Make A Small Room Look Bigger

There’s almost always one room you wish was just a bit larger. A space you want to feel more grandeur than the four walls will really allow. Certainly, knocking down one of those walls is always an option *wink* but how else can you go about making a small room look bigger? From renovation ideas to furnishing + styling we've got you covered.

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Things You Should Know To Be Successful At Decluttering Your Home

Decluttering your home can be really difficult to go it alone. Simply put dealing with the stuff in our homes — can be extremely overwhelming. And maybe that’s where you’re at. A bit frustrated. A bit uncertain of where to begin. And even though life’s moving faster than you can think, you’re also a bit done with all the extra stuff.

With over a decade of experience, I’m well aware that knowing where to begin decluttering your home + also, a few things you shouldn’t do can be really-really helpful.

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What’s The Difference Between A Counter Stool vs Bar Stool + How To Select One

The wrong stool for your home might mean you’re banging your knees on the underside of a counter or leave you feeling like you’re sitting at the child’s table :) And there’s a lot you can read about selecting the right height of counter vs bar stools for your kitchen but measuring’s not difficult. What’s hard is understanding how to decipher what counter stool or bar stool will work for you. So, let’s dive in!

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Everything You Need To Know About The Value Of Organizing Labels

The world of organizing labels is vast and far + so knowing what to look for when selecting organizing labels to transform your space from functional but basic into a beautifully organized system can really be a difficult challenge to overcome. When should the labels be permanent? When should they be temporary? How do I know I’m ready to begin using organizing labels?

Let’s dive into everything you need to know about organizing labels according to your organizing besties :)

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Why Do We Procrastinate Around The House

According to my dear friend Mr. Webster, PROCRASTINATION | pro·cras·ti·na·tion | is the action of delaying or postponing something. But based on research, 95% of people occasionally procrastinate + a whopping 15-20% of people fall into the category of chronic procrastinators. So call me crazy but it’s probably not a terrible time to stop beating yourself up or feeling guilty about lollygagging when you really know there’s something better you ought to be doing.

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The Fun + The Challenge Of Design For Kid Spaces

Designing kid spaces in your home brings about a unique set of challenges. You see, regardless of age, there’s a delicate art that goes into balancing their fun-loving whimsical playfulness with functional furniture pieces that they can grow with over the long haul. Whether they’re still a little tyke or navigating their teenage years, what you ultimately want is an amazing room for them to call their own. A space that reflects their personality, who they are + all of the crazy things they like.

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Why A Focal Point In Design Is Important

A focal point in design is the thing that stands out in a room. It grabs your attention. It's an ever so subtle detail –– sort of like the “come hither my darling” in the design of your room. And if a focal point in design is essential + every room needs one, then the million-dollar question is how do you create a focal point? Better yet, how the heck do you complement it with all of the other design-related decisions you make?

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Stylish Design Solutions For How To Decorate Around A TV

figuring out exactly how to decorate around a TV without making it the sole focal point of the room is often a huge design challenge. Especially when open floor plans mean the kitchen, dining + living room are all interconnected + wide open to one another. But not to fret my dear, with over a decade of experience + as your fav interior designers, we have a handful of design-savvy solutions up our sleeve when it comes to figuring out exactly how to decorate around a TV.

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